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I sniffed the fresh morning breakfast, making my eyes snap open from my slumber immediately. It was almost 9am - why didnt Zayn wake me?

I leaped from my bed, throwing my door open to race down to the dining room. My stomach was growling in hunger.

I charged through the doors, causing the whole wolf pack, give or take a few members seeing as some have to take shifts guarding our home, to look over at me in amusement.

"You guys ate all the bacon!" I gasped in horror, realizing that there was only eggs and toast left in the middle of the table.

"Maybe if you got up earlier, Pup." Harry snickered, earning a chorus of laughter.

I glared at him, "Zayn normally wakes me - wait, where is he?" I frowned, looking around the room, worried when I realized he wasnt in his chair.

"Scouting with some of the boys." Louis told me, buttering his toast as he scooted closer to Harry.

I sat down on my chair, right near Zayn's, "Scouting for what?"

"I'm not sure; Liam said they had a familiar scent hit their noses last night... they left early this morning." Harry shrugged, "So until they come back, I'm in charge."

I rolled my eyes, snatching two pieces of toast, "Dont go abusing your power."

"I suppose that means you wont listen when I tell you Zayn specifically ordered for you to clean the garden..." Harry rose his brows.

Louis grinned, "He did say that. Especially since you decided to throw paper balls out from your window the other day."

I gasped, "How did he know?"

A few of the boys snorted at my shock. Zayn is such a stalker.

I bit into my toast, humming, "I'll clean them up..."

"You better. Our home shouldnt be treated as a trash can, Pup." Max - one of my brothers close friends - noted with a nod.

I ignored the pet-name, shrugging, "I'm already agreeing to clean it up, chill."

Sometimes the other boys treat me just like Zayn and Liam do, like I'm still a child. I'm sixteen. Heck, I'm not even the youngest anymore.

Aria and Carlos, two of our pack members, had a two year old son - he should be called a Pup. Not me.

I'm a manly wolf. I could beat everyone up. Just you wait.

"Did you just refer to yourself as a 'Manly Wolf'?" Harry bursted into laughter, before the whole table followed.

Oh crap, was I talking out loud?

I blushed, "Shut up."


I felt my lips pull upwards as I couldnt hold back a grin, skipping happily across the bridge in the backyard towards the bunch of trees that formed all around the large house.

I soon realized that being sent outside to pick up my rubbish also gave me a big opportunity to be able to make a run for it.

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