Chapter Twenty One

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  • Dedicated to Linna Pumphrey

Twas the night of Nate's gig and I hadn't been able get Kieran out of my head. Those forlorn eyes haunted me.

Beth and Jude were in the bathroom doing their make up while Mandy and I remained in front of Jude's vanity table. I was straightening Mandy's hair, taming her natural curls. I grabbed endless strands using my fingers like pincers on my broken arm and armed my left hand with the straighteners. Mandy had been applying a new coat of lip gloss and now fiddled with the tube.

The reflection of Mandy's green eyes were on me then – wishing to confront me it seemed.

"Can I help you?" I enquired. She cocked her head and smiled. I released a strand of her hair from the toothless jaws of the tongs.

"You look distracted." My eyebrow rose accompanied by a questioning frown.

"How so?" I asked. Mandy paused to screw and unscrew the lip gloss. "Well?" Her eyes ambled back to their previous position in the mirror. She appeared conflicted.

"Are you thinking about Tom?" I blushed. I hadn't been thinking of Tom but his name was enough to send me scarlet. "You like him, don't you?" Heat radiated beneath my blouse collar but I dismissed it. Yes, I did like Tom but in what way was a different question.

"We're just good friends." I selected another strand of copper and slipped it through the tongs. I wasn't sane enough to deal with that kind of relationship. Or was I?

"It's obvious Tom likes you." She placed the lip gloss down and smiled softly. "After all, I should know, I'm the one he talks to about it," she admitted. I faltered.

"Come again?"

"We have classes together and he talks to me. About you mostly." She placed her head in her hands and regarded her reflection. "He looks at you, but not like he looks at me...or anyone else. It's like he's lost or been missing something, like a memory or a thought perhaps and you possess it." Mandy sighed. She appeared momentarily troubled.

"Oh," I said. Mandy laughed, righting her expression and once more picking up the lip gloss.

"I'd rather you didn't say anything to Tom. He didn't ask me not to tell you but all the same..," she trailed off. I nodded sympathetically, a tear rolled down my cheek. I dabbed it in surprise. Mandy peered at me. "Something in your eye?" she said. I sniffed. What was this?

"Yep." I examined the wet patch disappearing on the tip of my finger. "You could say that." I retrieved the final strand of copper curl.

Beth and Jude appeared fully dressed and caked in makeup. Beth whined, wanting to leave already and none of us had the notion to argue.

We were bundled into Jude's dad's over sized 4x4. Even I was giddy with excitement, something that didn't escape Mandy's watchful gaze. Maybe I should consider what Mandy had said. After all, Tom knew of all my faults and liked me still so what was I so afraid of? Mandy slipped her hand in mind and squeezed it.

The Late Night Latte was hidden underneath the astronomy store. It was a mouse hole in a skirting board, something you'd miss unless intentionally looking for it. Beth wrinkled her nose.

"Don't judge a book Beth, don't judge a book," Jude said. Beth didn't dignify us with a reply but merely led the way into the mouse hole. 

The Late Night Latte was dark, almost misty. The lights lining the wall washed it in a fiery orange glow. Great ferns were printed on the orange walls and potted amongst the sofas. I marvelled at the many brown sofas almost all occupied. Coffee cups and plates lay lazily on ring stained tables. It was popular here and that surprised me. 

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