Chapter Eleven

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  • Dedicated to Natasha McClintick

Hide and seek was no longer a game to be played.

It was Friday night.

Skiving from school had been the best idea I'd ever had. I couldn't face Kieran, not after Sophia confiding so ruthlessly in me. So my solution? Bury myself under a mountainous duvet and curl up with steaming cup of sweet tea.

Before Kieran arrived we were sent to get ready, under the non negotiable orders of Mother. I'd been thrown in the shower first, Mum knowing I'd be through the quickest. Jackson, who smelt like fermented milk, went in after me having been lectured by Mum first. He wasn't to set a foot outside the door until he smelt tolerable.

We never usually went out to fancy restaurants so I didn't have anything to wear for the occasion. When Mum had said "nothing fancy" she'd told a little white lie. The restaurant was extremely extravagant from what I'd gathered. It explained Mum's fussing.

After flinging the entire contents of my wardrobe across my room I settled on something I could only describe as adequate. I settled on a red corseted blouse that had once belonged to Beth. She had insisted I have it and at least my cast didn't stand out against the startling rouge fabric.

I brushed myself down with my unbroken arm, making sure I was presentable, not that I should care what Kieran thought.

When the buzzer went I almost shed my skin. He was early. Mum was in the shower, Ross was getting changed and Jackson was generally useless. That left me. 

Standing in front of the door, between entrance or denial made my head spin. I licked my lips. My hand reached for the button and then recoiled. I looked up the hall and licked my lips once more. The buzzer rang again, making me start. 

"Let him in Chris!" Mum goaded, strolling casually through the hall in a revealing towel. She sidled into her bedroom leaving me with only one option. I pressed the entrance button and then waited for Kieran to knock on our door. I shuddered, my nerves getting the better of me. The dreaded knock came and I opened the door.

He was dressed in black trousers, a black shirt and an indigo tie.  His indigo eyes were bright in the twilight of the flat stairwell, though fragmented through his dark hair. I was unable to breath for a second and forgot to ask him in. 

But oh how I wanted to. 

"Kieran!" A shout came from behind me. Jackson came charging down the hall and budged me out the way. "Let him in Chris! Sometimes you can be so weird," Jackson complained. I dropped my hand down and shrugged back into the shadow of the door. Somehow having the door between us made me feel safer. Kieran glided in and I remained in the shadow of the door behind him. Silently, I closed it and exhaled to calm my sudden nerves.

"I'll be right out Kieran," Mum called from her room. I was actually feeling shy so I let Jackson play host to our honoured guest. Ross appeared out of his and Mum's room wearing his best shirt and trousers.

"Alright Kieran?" He was fiddling intently with his cufflinks. I needed an excuse to not look at Kieran and Ross had provided the perfect alibi.

"Let me," I said, rushing to help. Ross was startled but relented. I hid self consciously behind my hair. I had felt Kieran's electrifying chill as I'd found myself brushing his side.

"I'm well Mr Evans, how are you?" I could feel him looking at me, the icy sensation bursting through me. I flinched. I wasn't yet sure if he knew what his glare did to me. Ross noticed me recoiling.

"Just call me Ross and yeah I-Chris, you all right?"

"Yeah, just a bit chilly that's all."  I finished fastening his cufflinks and was stuck for something to do that wouldn't involve talking to Kieran or making eye contact.

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