Chapter 11

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Angel’s POV:


I jump a foot in the air and am immediately greeted by a cramp in my neck.

“Ow,” I say to myself, my hand flying to the back of my neck. I sigh as I take my phone. I look at the caller ID, barely reading it before picking it up.

“Hello?”, I say, slightly annoyed.

“Help,” the voice on the other end croaks. I take my phone away from my ear and look at the called ID. Liam. I bring the phone to my ear.

“Liam?”, I’m fully awake now. Awake and scared to death. “Liam is that you?”.

“Help,” Liam repeats. Is this a joke? Suddenly, the line on the other end went dead. I feel cold sweat on my forehead. My breathing has gotten heavier than ever. I grab my phone and purse and exit the bedrooms.

Wait, I don’t know where I’m even going,

I think to myself. I sigh and look around the room, stopping on Louise. She’s sleeping on her computer. Homework, probably.

I take the laptop from under her and am surprised at her desktop wallpaper. It’s Zayn. I stifle a giggle. I shake it off and go on the internet icon at the bottom.

On Google, I type in the search box: ‘What studio do One Direction record?’. I curse under my breath as it loads.

“C’mon, hurry.” I say. Finally it comes up and I click on the first link.

‘They work in Cowell Studios, London, England.’

I write it down and head out, half running, half flying to the nearest taxi stand.

“Cowell Studios,” I tell the first taxi. The old man nods. I immediately jump in as he drives away.

“That’s £15, please.” the taxi driver says. I nod and reach for my purse, realising that I forgot to bring. Shoot.

“Wait, please.” I say, rushing in. I run to the reception.

“One Direction. Where do they work?”, I pant. The mousy girl stares at me.

“5th floor. Room 146.” the girl tells me, slowly. I run to the elevator and nearly scream when I see the ‘Out of Order’ sign. I look at the metal stairs, climbing as fast as my toms-clad feet would take me. At that moment, I realise what I’m wearing.

I’m wearing soft leggings and a baggy t-shirt with my small coat and toms. I didn’t even realise how cold I was. I smile with glee when I see the sign that says ‘5th Floor’. I run faster to room 146.

143, 144, 145. 146! I jump push open the door and freeze when I see the sight before me.

“Liam,” I breath, a tear streaming down my face. I run to where he’s lying in the pool of blood. I fall to my knees.

“What the hell happened?”, I sob. He gives me a weak smile.

“You came?”, it’s more of a question than a statement.

“How are you still smiling,” I wail.


I jump a foot in the air, upon hearing the taxi’s honk. I grab Liam’s wallet from his front pocket. I run to give the money to the taxi driver but I’m stopped by Liam grabbing my hand and jerking me back to him.

“Don’t go.” he whispers in a small voice. “Please?”. I sigh and then a light bulb goes off in my head. I quickly take out my phone and dial Louis’s phone number with the hand Liam isn’t holding.

“Hello?”, Louis immediately picks up.

“Louis,” I sob into the phone. “You have to come to your recording studio.”

“What? Why? And what are you doing there, anyway?”, Louis asks on the other line. “It’s 9:55, and you-”.

“Louis!”, I yell into the phone, “Just come to studio,” I nearly wail. “It’s important. Just trust me. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t.”

“OK,” Louis sighs. Be right there.

I look at Liam and force a smile, trying to calm him and me.

“It’s fine,” I say, trying not to break down. “He’s coming. I bet you’ll be better in two days.” That gives me hope too. I wipe my tears and console myself. I have to be strong for the two of us. Liam surprises me by laughing.

“I think you’re the one who needs to know that,” Liam comments, cheekily. I give him another watery smile. How can he still be laughing. I look at the bruises around his hands. There are so many on what is revealing, imagine how many there will be under his clothes. I look at his body. It’s badly positioned. He must be hurting.

“OK, Liam,” I say, “This might hurt for a little while,” I say, putting my hand under his led and setting it straight. “But this will be more comfortable.” As soon as I touch his shoulder, he yelps in pain. I put my hand away as if there may be burning coal on his shoulder.

“OK, can you take a little pain?”, I ask, slowly.

“I think it might be broken,” Liam whines. I bite my lips until I taste blood.

“Just a little bit?”, I ask him, in a babyish voice. “For me?”.

“You know that’s not- that’s no-”, he stopped and his head fell. I nearly choked on my breath.

“Liam! Liam!”, I yelled shaking him. “Liam!”, I sobbed. “Liam?”.

Suddenly the door swung open.

“OK, I’m here-”, Louis froze in his tracks. “Woah.” was all he said.

“CALL AN AMBULANCE!”, I yell in his face, shaking Liam. Louis takes out his phone and slowly calls up an ambulance, I presume. He goes out to talk, but on the way out bumps into the door frame, still in shock.


Hey guys. I meant for this to be longer but since I’m here, writing, even though I have a really bad stomach ache… CUT ME SOME SLACK! I’m sorry… I’ll update soon, I promise. In the mean time, 7 comments and 10 votes (: (: (:

Dedicated to ToriMellark for commenting on every single chapter so far! Please Keep That Up! :D

Knocking me down (Sequel to Knocking On My Door)Where stories live. Discover now