Chapter 14

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Angel’s POV:

I threw my things in my room and ran down the hall, only to bump into Katrina.

“Angel!”, she said. I sighed. Really not the best time to get pummelled by question. “Where were you yesterday? Louise and I were so worried-”.

“Sorry, but I really can’t talk!”, I said, cutting her off, “Really need to be at the hospital!”. I attempted to run past her.

“What happened?”, Katrina asked, worry all over her face.

“Liam was in some kind of accident.” I sighed, “I really need to go, Lou would be here any minute!”. She moved aside and I ran to the gates, pulling my hood up.

I waited in the rain and a small smile crept on my face as I saw Louis’s car, but it wasn’t Louis that was driving. It was Harry.

“Angel!”, Harry jumped out of the car. “I need to talk to you!”.

“Talk to me, later!”, I replied, opening the car door to get in. Harry stepped in front of me and closed the door.

“It’s really important!”, Harry begged. “P-”.

“Can it be more important than Liam!”, I yell, cutting him off. “C’mon, I want to see it.” I attempted to open the car door, again, but he stopped me.

“Angel, will you please listen to me!”, Harry yelled grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. I looked at him in the eyes. My brown ones meeting his green. I saw a flash of guilt in his eyes, and his lips trembled, uncontrollably. “I’m the reason Liam’s in the hospital,” he whispered to me. I raised my eyebrow.

“What?”, was all I could manage for now.

“It’s true,” Harry sighed, as I tear escaped his eye.

“I’m sure it isn’t,” I mumble.

“But it is!”, he nearly yelled, “I was the one that hit him with that metal bar, putting him in the situation he’s in now!”.

“Why?”, I ask. I didn’t want to believe it. It couldn’t be! What about the brotherly love? What about the friendship?

“Because,” he paused, turning his face away from mine. “Because, I’m unconditionally in love with you!”. I gasped and stepped back, his hands limply falling to my side.

“What!”, I yelled.

“Haven’t you noticed?”, he asked. He stepped towards me. I stepped back again. I thought back, all the way from New York to this day.

I guess I have noticed. Once or twice. Although I chose to ignore it. He had made his feelings pretty clear back in New York. Maybe it wasn’t fair that I had chosen Liam over him, but Liam was just special to me. The way he was just so real. No showing off. No planning. No nothing.

“I think you should go,” I muttered to Harry, turning around myself.


Sorry it’s even shorter than usual but I wanted to leave a cliff-hanger. This will be the LAST book in the knocking on my door series or whatever. I’m getting really lazy and losing all inspiration. Sorry if you’re disappointed.


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