Chapter 8

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OK! So… Got my 3 comments and 5 votes! Love you all. I put Knocking on my Door in Watty Awards. I don’t think I’ll win but it’s just for the crack of it. But I’ll still be incredibly thankful if you could go vote for it (:


One Direction sat on my couch. Well, Zayn was asleep, Niall was stuffing his face with the leftovers from my first night here.

“Hi, guys?”, I say it questioningly. Harry, Liam and Louis look up. “What are you doing here? Who even let you in?”. Other than the boys and I, the room was empty.

“Not happy to see us?”, Louis challenged. I set down my stuff on the dining table.

“No, just wondering,” if I wasn’t so tired I would have dropped in some better arguments.

“Hard first day, Love?”, Liam asks, offering me an apple. I take the apple and sit on top of the dining table.

“You never know ho many miles you run to chase your dreams,” I shrug, being all deep. The door swings open and Louise comes in carrying twice as many books as she had before. Although, she’s not complaining at all. She wears a big grin, actually.

“I love physiotherapy!”. She says, setting down her books. “I don’t even care if my teacher gave us homework! I just love it”. I smile. At least, I didn’t get homework.

“So, what are guys doing here?”, I ask, again and take a bite out of the apple.

“Well neither you nor Louise were answering your cells,” I take my cell out of my pocket and see that there are 20 unseen texts. “So we dropped by.” Harry says.

“Katrina let us in.” Liam adds. I smile and put my phone away. “And if you’re wondering where she is, she and Mellissa went to get pedicures.” I chuckle. Suddenly, the door swings open and Hutch and Adam step in. Oh no.

“Hey, Angel!”, Adam screams, “I didn’t know you were interested in make-up!”. Adam says, coming over to me.

“You two have class together?”, Hutch asks. It takes everything I have not to roll my eyes or sigh. Liam looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, I am!”, I say, trying make my voice sound more enthusiastic than a dying cat. [A/n: Sorry Harry. It’s just a figure of speech]

“Adam, Hutch,” I say, “Meet Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall.” I point to each of them. I look past Adam and Hutch and beg Liam to get me out of it. Liam wears a smug smile and ignores me. I want to punch him. I beg some more but it’s Harry who finally comes through for me.

“Hey Angel,” he says, “Want to come along shopping with Louis and I?”. Louis glares at Harry but I jump at the chance to get away from the awkwardness these two boys create.

“Yea, let me just take a quick shower and change.” I run to the bathroom and quickly shower and change into military jeans and a spaghetti top with Hollister jacket.

Harry’s POV:

I smile as we wait for Angel to return. I want some alone time with Angel. Now to get rid of Louis.

“Hey, Lou?”, I whisper to my best friend. “The Super Store is having a sale on carrots.” Louis’s eyes lit up.

“I got to go!”. he screamed pushing past everyone. Liam shook his head and looked at the two American boys in front of him.

“I’m Liam,” Liam introduced to the two boys. “Angel’s boyfriend.” Adam and Hutch’s eyes widened.

“She had a boyfriend?”, Adam asked stupidly.

“Of coarse she did,” Hutch sighs, frustrated, leaving with Adam right behind him. As soon as they leave, all of us start laughing. Including Louise. We didn’t laugh in a mean way, it was just funny the way they reacted.

“What’s so funny?”, Angel’s voice comes around. We all turn to see her dressed in a different outfit. “Where’re Adam and Hutch.” We all snickered a little.

“I don’t know,” Liam replied, fake-clueless. “I just introduced myself-”.

“As your boyfriend.” Zayn adds.

“And they just ran off.” Angel takes a deep sigh of relief.

“Thank you!”, she says, wrapping her arms around Liam’s neck and pulling him into a hug. Liam raised her eyebrow.

“It made me uncomfortable, the way they stared,” Angel sighed. “They’re not bad guys. Just too-”.

“Desperate?”, Zayn asks, having woken up, apparently.

“Foolish?”, Niall guesses.

“Nice.” Angel corrects them. That Angel has not a mean bone in her.

“OK,” Angel shook her head, “Where’s Louis?”. Angel asks, looking around.

“He just took off…”, I lied. Angel nodded confused. “Shall we?”, I ask her, offering my hand.

“C’mon!”, Angel screams, running off ignoring my hand.


Short yea, but next chapter will be longer and more interesting (: (:

Again, 3 comments and 5 votes. Love you guys.

Stay amazing xx (:


PS: I love you all too much for getting this story around 500 in Humour. Hey, not much, but a lot for me (: (I’m still rising give me a break)! :* :*

Knocking me down (Sequel to Knocking On My Door)Where stories live. Discover now