Operation: BF

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School, hallways

"I have some info about Jeon Jungkook. Want to hear?"
"This is about Jungkook's ideal type."
*everyone squeals in excitement
"Okay listen.. Jungkook likes girls with lots of charm and cuteness. Someone who smiles and laughs prettily. She must have nice long legs but she should be at least ten centimeters smaller than him. Someone who likes music, stylish and smart. For the hair length, long or short doesn't matter.."

Lalisa Manoban

I was walking by, on my way to the classroom, when a group of girls huddled together suddenly started shrieking and shrilling, all at the same time. Startled, I stopped to look and found absolutely nothing wrong with them, they're talking quite excitedly and happily to each other. Actually, there is something very wrong with them, they're all acting like idiots.

I left after giving them an annoyed, disapproving look, which they didn't see. I also called them fucking idiots but they didn't hear it, although the person next to me, a tall, dark-haired boy probably heard since he gave me a weird look as he walked past me. He probably thought I was swearing at him.


I continued walking and almost fell flat on my face when someone barreled into me from behind. Kim Jisoo, my friend, appeared beside me. She is extremely happy based on the very wide grin on her face, and the money she's fanning herself with. She did tuck away the money after making sure that I got a good look and sniff of it. She hit me on the face with it once or twice, right on the nose, before tucking it away.

"I see a very bright future ahead of me." Jisoo said in a weird, mystical sounding voice and a faraway look in her eyes. She also flung out her arms wide to the sides, as if in welcome. One arm hit me on the chest, it stole my breath away from me and stopped me from walking forward. Her other arm hit another person, an older student who let out an 'ah!' in a cry of pain but which Jisoo completely missed. Poor guy.

"I'm really glad that your future is bright because you look plenty stupid at present." I told her pushing her arm away from me with a finger. She might pass her stupidity to me.

She ignored my insult and continued. "My friend, you do not understand, so I shall tell you clearly." She grasped my chin and turned my head. "My bright future is right ahead talking to a girl by the classroom door."

I saw the same tall boy with dark hair who walked past me earlier, the one who probably thought I swore at him and most likely thinks I'm weird. He was standing near our classroom, talking to a girl.
But what was Jisoo talking about? I looked back to my friend and raised an eyebrow in question, she smiled at me creepily in answer. Well she probably thinks her smile is full of meaning, but no, it was just creepy.

"So you see, but you do not yet understand so I shall enlighten you." She took out a small black notebook and a pen from her pocket. "See this?"

"I'm not blind."

"This my friend, is my little black book."

"It is black and it is a notebook so that is an appropriate name."

"Indeed. Within it is my vast amount of knowledge and wisdom. All about Jeon Jungkook. Henceforth, he shall be known as my BF. My bright future." Jisoo said as she wrote something on her notebook.

Operation: BF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now