Not Anymore

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Hi, hope you like the book. If you don't, I don't care. You don't have to read it and please keep your comments to yourself if you don't. If you don't like it please just stop reading it.
People will say it's unoriginal but how do you know? You've only read the first chapter. My book isn't like all the others out there because I don't want to be like the rest. Again, if you don't like it, don't read it.

Chapter 1

Libby's POV.

"Libby! Get your fat ass downstairs NOW!" yelled Cole. Cole was the Alpha's son so he was the Alpha to be. He would become Alpha of the Shattered Moon pack when he turns 18 and today was his 16th birthday where he will find his mate. I was brought back from my thoughts when my brother Danny stormed into my room and grabbed my arm.

"What do you think you are doing? Get downstairs NOW!" Danny hissed at me then threw me against the wall then stormed out and slammed my bedroom door. I know what you're thinking he's my brother and supposed to protect me but he hasn't ever since our parents were killed by rogues and he has blamed me for it because my parents died trying to protect me in a rogue attack and now me and Danny live in the pack house and he's now Beta of our pack. I got up off the floor and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen to start on breakfast. Once it was done I took the food into the dinning room and set the food on the table. Everyone was there and glaring at me. I started making my way out of the dinning room but Cole stopped me.

"Wait," he growled at me. "Don't be late again do you hear me!" I nodded then felt a sharp pain in my cheek. Cole had slapped me. I kept the tears in from the pain but I also felt shocks from his touch. I ran out of the dinning room and back into the kitchen where I started clearing up. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 7:30am. I normally got up at 5:00am to get breakfast ready for 6:45am but I over slept and had it ready for 7:30am. I sighed and continued cleaning.

When I was done I started making my way to the stairs but as I was turning the corner I walked into a rock hard chest. When I looked up I noticed it was Cole who I walked into.

"Sorry Cole." I said to him and lowered my head, trying to ignore the sparks I felt going through me when we touched, then tried walking around him but he grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall. Next thing I know his lips are on mine. I was shocked and started kissing back, it felt right, like we were supposed to do this but then he pulled away. I tried to ignore the cold, lonely feeling of when his body moved away from mine.

"I don't want you," he growled at me, "I don't want some one weak, ugly, fat and pathetic like you as a mate," my heart tightened in my chest I knew what was coming then he said the three words I hoped he wouldn't say. "I reject you," he growled at me.

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