Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Libby's POV.

I was walking out if the living room when I bumped into Jake walking down the stairs.

"Hey babe," he smiled when he got to the bottom.

"Hey, you busy?" I asked as he hugged me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Sorry babe but I am, I'm going to the library for a bit." He answered witha a sorry look on his face. Oh that's like the... I don't actually know anymore, I've lost count on how many times he's rejected hanging out with me.

"Oh, ok. Do you mind if I join you?" I asked while crossing my arms. He rubbed the back of his neck, something I've noticed he does when he's uncomfortable, nervous or about to lie.

"Sorry babe but I really need to concentrate and your beauty will distract me." He smiled while taking my face into his hands gently.

"Ok I'll see you later then?" I asked while smiling back.

"Yeah, sure." He then let me go and walkd out the front door. Something isn't right, I thought to myself. Just as I was about to walk out the pack house too, I heard a voice behind me.

"Where are you going?" I turned around to see Danny standing there while eating a lollipop with a bow on the handle.

"How old are you again?" I laughed.

"Hey, don't change the subject!" He huffed. "Anyway I'm going out, I'll see you later." He came over, gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. I watched as he walked out the front door and sighed, I can't follow Jake, it's not right. I just have a feeling that something bad is going on and I've been having really weird dreams lately. But that's nothing to worry about right? Well I'm hoping it isn't. I don't know what I'm supposed to do? I don't know if anyone is here and I'm bored out of my mind!
I walked up the stairs and into my room. I made my way to my bed and turned the television off and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

I was running through the woods, away from the pack house when another wolf jumped on me. I got up and the wolf was standing there growling at me. It was big wolf with dark grey fur but what caught my eye was the scar going across his face. He was just about to lunge at me when someone came out of nowhere and tackled the wolf to the ground. Suddenly there were many more growls and it sounded like they were coming towards us.

"Libby run!" Someone shouted at me and I looked over to see that it was Cooper that jumped on the wolf. "Libby run, I'll catch up!" So I did. I turned and ran, I ran until I felt someone grab my arm. "It's ok Libby."

I turned around and Cooper was standing there.

"Cooper!" I screamed and hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad you're here, I miss you so much!" I sobbed into his chest.

"Shh it's ok Libby, I miss you too." He held me tightly while I cried, "I miss you so damn much." I could see the tears forming in his eyes. He then pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I need to tell you something really important."

"What's wrong?" I asked clutching onto him.

"You need to be careful Libby. They're watching and they know, they know before you even know!" I was getting confused with what he was saying.

"Know what?" I asked.

"I can't tell you, you have to figure it out by yourself but please be careful Libby. I love you like you were my own little sister. I want you to live happily but you can't until they're gone. And remember, be careful with who you trust. Not everyone are who they seem. Stay close to Cole and Derek, they'll protect you. I love you Libby."

"Wait, I'm so confused. What does this all mean?" He was just about to answer when a wolf lunges through the air at him. "No! Cooper!" I screamed.

I woke up to Cole sitting on my bed shaking me.

"Libby! Are you ok? You were screaming so I came rushing in." Cole looked at me with concern all over his face. I shook my head and he took me into his arms and hugged me tightly.

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