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The Demons charged

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The Demons charged.

Jayden yanked his seven-pointed pendant off his necklace, and it altered into his golden sword. Aqua jerked her bracelet off, which transfigured into a powerful, clear as crystal, stunning dagger, the blade luminous in the dark. Noelle, Uncle Davis, Rosemary and Dad decided to stick with their powers. I drew my gun from the back of my jeans, knowing it's already loaded with bullets that have Holy Water.

We glared at our enemies, observing the mad glint in their wicked eyes. Dad charged, and the rest of us echoed.

Dad's hands blazing, he grabbed the head of a Demon by random, and his flames seared the Demon's head, turning it into powder. Jayden slashed off a Demon's arm and rammed his sword into its' chest. I fought and murdered numerous Demons. Whenever I succeeded sending them back to Hell, I felt glad and powerful.

I thought about the yard of human corpses and skeletons I witnessed. Antagonism and other angry sentiments boiled me. I used these emotions as a trigger to slaughter the enemies. I cussed at them. Yelled. Spat. Roared with Blade. I did anything to prove to how furious I am about them assassinating the innocent.

Aqua was fighting with the same emotions. I could feel it vibrating from her. As a Starseed, and if you have a sibling, you can feel your brother or sister's feelings. Aqua, on the other hand, she can feel everyone's feelings.

She was created that way.

My beautiful sister swung her dagger, Phanumdi or Diaphanous (whatever the dagger is called), and rammed it into the Demon's head. The Demon wailed and collapsed. Aqua tugged her dagger out of its' skill. Standing next to her was Jayden, who was fighting exceptionally. Seriously, that dude got some mad skills. I made a mental note to force him to enlighten me about his tricks and techniques.

Rosemary fought back to back with Uncle Davis and Dad. Noelle commanded the prickly rocks to rise up, and abuse the Demons. Some of monsters cornered her, yet she swung her leg and smacked their stomach, punched them in the face, gave them powerful roundhouse kicks that will be unquestionably unforgettable to them. She looked incredibly sexy like that, fighting and fighting with no hesitation.

Snap out of it, Blade hissed. You don't want to have a boner while you're fighting. Trust me, it's not a nice experience.

I thought you don't have a dick. Or balls.

I lied.

Then why say it?

I thought it will be a cool phrase.

'We cannot keep fighting like this forever!' Dad yelled. 'We have to leave!'

Dad was right. Despite our determination, Jayden and Aqua were drenched with sweat, fatigue distinguishable in their eyes. Rosemary was panting. Davis had his teeth gritted as he used his powers to shield himself. One of the Demons slapped Noelle across the face and hammered its' hand into her abdomen Her knees crumpled to the floor as the Demons cracked her cheek, and she fell sideways.

There were too many of them. They kept coming minute by minute as a substitute of each death.

Aqua helped Noelle by stabbing everyone. I aimed my gun at the nearest Demons, witnessing how the Holy Water roasted them into ashes. Jayden was thrown into a wall and Aqua was grabbed by her hair. A Demon hurled her around and let her go, causing her to fly across the prison cell and hit the wall next to Jayden, crumpling on top of him. Noelle put her hand up at the Demons nearing her, skidding away on her bum, coughing as blood dribbled from her lips. Determination was evident on her face, but so was pain.

'Having fun?'

Malum appeared by my side, catching me by surprise. Rapidly, I aimed my gun at her but she grabbed my wrist, wrenching the weapon off my grasp and tossing it to the side.

Aqua's fingers caressed Jayden's, and I swear I saw a spark igniting.

Malum clenched her hand into a fist and punched me in the nose. I groaned, stumbling back. She kicked me with her leg, and I fell rearwards next to Noelle, Jayden and Aqua. Noelle's hand unintentionally fell on top of Jayden's.

More sparks provoked.

Dark smoke circled Malum's hands, figuring into the shape of a knife. 'Stay still while I kill you, okay?'

She raised her knife in the air –

My fingers touched Noelle's.

Suddenly, luminescence aroused, gyrating Jayden, Noelle, my sister and I. Phosphorescence incited from inside our bodies. Lustre voyaged through our nerves from our hearts where a shining cross is established on our chests.

The light expanded, expanded, and expanded from the four of us.

I saw trepidation crawling into Malum's eyes.

The Demons stopped what they were doing and looked at the light producing from Noelle, Jayden, Aqua and me.

The illumination exploded.

The Demons screamed and so did Malum. Their bodies were roasted as the light engulfed them, spreading throughout the entire building and shining through the casements. It broadened and broadened.

Noelle went limp next to me.

Aqua sighed as unconsciousness took over, her head falling onto Jayden's shoulder.

Jayden went still.

And soon enough, as I heard a faint 'Kids!' from my father, I, too, fell into a world of darkness.


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