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When it was midnight, when everybody was in an unfathomable drowse, I took this as a possibility to teleport out of my cabin room and materialise right outside the rich bronz-iness and the large doors of the Academy's Library

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When it was midnight, when everybody was in an unfathomable drowse, I took this as a possibility to teleport out of my cabin room and materialise right outside the rich bronz-iness and the large doors of the Academy's Library.

Inside, it was devilishly hushed. The only sounds were my soft footsteps. It was incredibly murky in here. The only light seeped through the arch windows from the incandescent night-time sky. The ceiling was merely a hologram of space. The floor was a painting of the Heavenly Angels, each of the groups on top of another to indicate their positions in Heaven. The arced walls were paintings that regards about the stories in the Star Bible – some of them were of a man wearing a brown robe with a mystical book possessively clutched in his arms. Thorax Hexoren, I presume. My ancestor.

At the far back of the Library, was a chamber encased in strong glass, with a pedestal inside that holds a book. The book has a padlock. I approached the Enchiridion, remembering something Thaddeus said – the Enchiridion knows everything. It knows everybody's pasts, secrets, it can even help us with our situations. I'm sure it can help me to find my father. It's basically a Bible, but instead having parables of holy stories and Jesus, it has parables and information about imperative figures in our society. The Enchiridion writes the true stories itself apparently. 

The glass vanished as soon as it sensed I was close, permitting me to stroke my fingers along the rough cover of the enthralling book. The key was already in the padlock, so I twisted it and stopped when I heard the click. The padlock fell onto the floor, the noise of the impact reverberating in the immense Library.

I flipped the book open. To my surprise, the first page contained an illustration of a man: half-bald, beard blanketing his jaw-line and chin, nose sharp, brown eyes beaming with curiosity and power. Thorax Hexoren. My ancestor. My body slid to the floor, the book in my lap, and I began to read the fancy-written information.

1200 AD was the birth of a new choir of angels. Hundred first, there was. Multiplied soon over the years. Each Starseed of the first hundred was unique with their own abilities, indeed, yet some stood out the most. One stood out the most. Thorax Edmond Lordaire was one of the most exceptional.

The prominent ones were elected to lead the hundred, like they were the Shepherd and the rest were the sheep. Thorax Lordaire, Rosemary Greenwood, Maverick Ashworth, Silos Stone, Vincent Garcia and Lin Zhao were the chosen. Together, they unified all. Together, they formed the Assembly of Light.

Thorax Hexoren was the leader of leaders. His powers were immense – forces stronger than any other Starseeds' aptitudes at that time. He was a dragon of fire; a dragon so compassionate, a dragon so handsome; a fire so beautiful, a fire so lethal.

Mature, he was, when he fell in love with a woman so charismatic, so engaging, that she was irresistible. Her body stained with beauty, her persona stained with delight. Little did he see the blackened soul of Elvira Thornheart; little did he hear the soft pumps of her polluted heart. 

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