| 25 | Wolves

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The Vortex was gyrating with stars and innumerable aesthetic flares

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The Vortex was gyrating with stars and innumerable aesthetic flares. The air-stream in the portal was herculean. The others were struggling in the ferocity of the roaring wind as we were getting sucked down, deeper and deeper into the Vortex. Eventually, an indistinct illustration of lofty buildings, foliage and vehicles appeared into our perceptions.

The Vortex withdrew.

And we were all falling from the sky, screaming as death was on the verge of us.

"Teleport!" Uncle Davis screamed as the pressure of the sky's air rammed on our faces . "Teleport to the ground!"

We did.

My body gashed apart as a vivid luminosity bordered me. Then, my body interweaved back together, and I was my back was abruptly moulded to the grassy ground. I groaned, and the others echoed. My vision was unclear from the fall. I revolved my head to the side to see Jayden heaving himself up, staggering forward and swiftly blinking.

He examined us, and then frowned. "Where's Aq–?"

A scream pained my ears as something heavy dropped on Jayden, causing him to slap onto the floor once again.

Aqua groaned, chafing her head as she batted her eyelids, recovering from the impact.

"Get the fuck off me, Aqua!" grumbled Jayden.

Aqua realised what occurred and immediately rotated of Jayden, apologising: "Oh, my God! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Jayden merely gave her a thumbs up with a firm line as he once again hauled to his feet. Uncle Davis brushed off the filth and placed his hands on his hips, staring ahead at the distance. We seemed to be in the park judging from the cosmic space and the trees. To our dismay, there were people here, and they had their eyes amplified at the sight of us.

"Shit," Davis muttered and ushered us to walk away quickly.

Welp...there goes the news of five people suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Uncle Davis drew out the map. I was astonished to witness that it's not a map of the world anymore. It's now a map of Malaysia. And from what it says, we're not so far away from where Dad is held prisoner.

"Do you feel that?" Noelle suddenly enquired.

"Feel what?" I said.

"The dark energy."

My heart hammered at her words, immediately presuming she could feel the Evitual inside me.

No, shithead, the Evitual hissed in my head. She can't feel us. She can feel the dark energy in Malaysia.

I took a moment to sense the ambience. The Evitual is right. Noelle is right. I can feel dark energy skulking around. Due to that, the Evitual inside me was getting slightly provoked.

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