| 7 | Comfortableness

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My house in Ilford ain't that fancy

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My house in Ilford ain't that fancy. Full house. Comfortable rooms. Nice garden. Perfect but ain't fancy, mate. Ain't fancy. The outside looks new, refreshed, with a huge sign hanging on the front door written by Davis: DON'T EVEN THINK OF WASTING MY TIME, MOTHERFUCKERS. GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE. AND NO JUNK MAIL OR I'LL KICK YOUR ASSES. Below that inscription was the same text but written in other languages.

Yeah . . . that's my Uncle's loving welcome to guests. Rude, but different. Uncle Davis doesn't like getting disturbed, especially during football matches. The interesting thing is that the inscription has some type of incantation which hides our house from Lucifer's disciples. It protects us from evil. 

Davis parked our BMW on the pavement. Sitting on the porch of our house, was Noelle. She was quaking as big blobs of tears dribble down her fair red cheeks. Her St John's High School uniform was ruined and tarnished with something that seems to be blood and grime.

She saw us and abruptly stood up, stifling in the sobs, attempting to look strong and brave, but failed. I have seen her like this before – broken, destroyed, wrecked, and despondent – but that was a long time ago. Years ago, even. I thought seeing her weaknesses again will never occur. I guess I thought wrong.

"What happened?" I demanded as Noelle approached me and wrapped her arms around me, burying her weeping face in my chest. I automatically embraced her back, submerging my face in her auburn hair. I inhaled that saccharine, invigorating scent of hers . . . Daisies. My favourite smell. One of my favourite traits about her.

My hands ran up and down her back, hoping the actions will soothe her. Eventually, it did, and her juddering calmed.

"What happened?" I whispered softly into her ear. She shivered as my lips stroked her ear lobe ever so slightly.

She raised her head up a little. Her chin was now on my shoulder and her lips moved against my neck as she whispered back, "Gran."

Noelle lost her parents. I don't specifically know the reasons why, but I won't pressurise her to tell me. Let her confess when she feels it's the right time. She lives with her Gran now – a woman who's old, ancient even, yet she's surprisingly strong for her age. And when I say strong, I mean Hercules-like-strong.

No, screw Hercules. Rosemary Forrester is stronger than Hercules. She's strong. Too strong for her age. It marvels me, to be honest.

"I went home," Noelle begun, "and there were Demons. I don't know why, but they wanted Gran. But when they saw me . . . I think they changed their minds. They wanted me instead. It happened all too soon, Ry. All too fast.' A silent minute bypassed, a silent minute permitting Noelle to become tranquil. 'She's gone, Ry. Gran's gone. They killed her."

"How did you escape?" Davis asked.

"I teleported here. But before I did that, something happened to me."

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