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Sometimes, visions come to a Starseed for a reason

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Sometimes, visions come to a Starseed for a reason. People say that they come to you as a sign from God – Him telling you that this particular aspect mentioned in your vision must be frequently and appropriately focused on. They also say that visions come to you because someone is calling you. Someone who you know. Someone who you don't know.

I saw my sister in my dreams. She was injured. A pole propelled through her guts and back. Blood was gushing out and there was a wound in her left leg. Tears of pain and woe were leaching down her cheeks as she sobbed for help, sobbed for relief, sobbed for the pain to go away. Her gasps sounded as if Death was close to take her.

"Michael," she croaked. "Help me. God, help me. Jesus, help me."

Then, out of nowhere, a young boy sprinted and lunged at the Demons, pushing them aside and falling on top of them. He battered his fisted right hand onto the Demon's temple and the Demon howled. Eventually, he managed to kill all the Demons and turned his attention to Aqua. He assisted her wounds and swung her into his arms, carrying her away.

Someone emerged from the dimness of the corners in this unfilled street. A man. A repulsive-looking man with a stubble. A bushy one. He has stygian-skin as if he is made from the River Styx itself. Eyes too grey that swirls with abhorrence.

Next to this man was another man. His skin light-tanned. His shaved jaw-line seemed as if it was sculptured from diamonds, sharp. His eyes were dark brown, too brown, almost black even. As if they were made from pure coal. His hair was short, coiled and suspending over his forehead. Unlike the other man, he is dressed in combat shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and white Vans, as if he just came back from vacation.

"I done everything I could," the man with the grey eyes murmured. "I gave off the greatest amount of hate that surrounded her, yet it doesn't affect her as usual. It's like she's immune."

"She is, Amon," the other man responded. "She has Him by her side. Unlike us, we have the Fallen One. Plus, Christian is not a fool as a father. He knows how a child should be, therefore he raised her correctly by following the customs in his beliefs."

Why are they talking about Aqua and Dad?

"It hit the boy, though," Amon said. "During their illusion exam, I felt his hate. He lashed it out on the girl."

"Though, it faded."

"What about the other two?" Amon enquired, changing the subject.

"The brother and Rosemary's granddaughter?"

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