Getting Through It

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 When we are no longer able to change a situation- we are challenged to change ourselves 


"Germany wait!!!" Italy yelled as nations started to leave the meeting building.

"Veneziano!!!" Romano yelled as he ran after him. Why couldn't his little brother get that Germany wasn't his friend!?!  Not anymore.

Italy ran to Germany, who was standing with North and South America. 

"Italy, what is it?" He asked, for some reason Italy still considered him a friend. After all he pulled him into.

Romano came over and started dragging Italy back. 

"I just want to say, I don't think you're a monster," He called as he was dragged farther away. "You're my friend and the Germany I know, isn't and never was a monster."  

Germany looked shocked at that.

He saw Japan a little ways away, the Asian nation looked at him and nodded, "Hai." He agreed.

"We could have told you that," Colombia said. Most of South America nodded,

Germany actually looked very surprised at everyone telling him this. He thought he was a monster, America told him he wasn't but that was only one person. These were multiple people.

America looked at him and smiled, "I told you."

Germany started to think. He had to be the monster so many nations are calling him. He had to be.... But when he looked at America and Canada and Italy and Japan and some others, they told him differently. 

Maybe if he wasn't a monster....maybe there was something he could do to prove it.


An extremely pissed off Russia walked into his house. 

The rest of the Soviet Union saw him come in.

Prussia growled as he watched him walk in. Russia had gave him a many punches and kicks up he still hasn't broke his spirit.

Prussia was about to walk over to the asshole when Hungary put a hand on his arm for him to stop. And he did.

These two had been watching out for each other since Hungary had joined living in the house.  They protected each other and in some cases, used the buddy system. 

Prussia was mad that there was apparently a world meeting and none of them got to go. He wanted to see the outside world.  He wanted to see his siblings.

He saw that Russia looked mad, but didn't care. He was gonna tell him like is. But Hungary saw that this was a bad situation that Prussia was gonna escalate and she didn't want to see him get thrown into a wall or something.

Everyone just stared at Russia. Was he gonna say anything or not?

"How was the meeting Little Brother?" Ukraine cheerfully asked.

"It was full of very bothersome nations." 

"Would you like me to take care of those nations, Brother?" Belarus asked.

"Why didn't we know about the meeting?" Prussia suddenly asked.

It got quiet and Russia looked at Prussia. The Baltics knew this was gonna end badly. 

"Yeah," Poland agreed, stepping up, "Don't you think we wanted to go?"

Hungary and Romania nodded to both Prussia and Poland.

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