Another one Gone

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Warning: Historically inaccurate. I think.

                                  You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days in your life. 


Over the next few weeks, America had decided to monitor Germany's behavior. And based on what he was seeing, it seemed like Germany was going into depression and was completely stressed out. He would just look so tired and sad. 

He had also noticed Germany distancing himself away. He would stay his room for almost the whole day.

He had to do something about this, it hurt to see someone like this. 

"Hey Germany," Alfred knocked on Germany's door.

Germany opened it and looked at him, "Oh, America. What can I help you with?"

"Can we talk, dude?"

"Um.. sure." Germany slowly walked out of the room.

"Let's head outside bro." America started walking away giving Germany no choice but to follow.

They walked down a hallway, America opened some doors revealing a beautiful balcony. Germany's jaw almost dropped.

This house was so big.

The two stepped out on the balcony and looked down at the backyard and the beautiful view. The gentle breeze messed with their hair.

America didn't speak so Germany didn't either.

They stayed like that for a minute or so until America started to speak, "Germany, what's going on?" 

Ludwig was snapped out of his daze, "What? I mean, what do you mean by that?"

"You know what I mean," He turned to Germany and suddenly Germany didn't see a 17 year old nation.

He saw someone powerful. Someone who knew how to play the game. Someone who had learned a lot from being raised by 3 empires.

Two of which, in a way he kinda took down. (You guys know what I mean, right?)

"Something's up with you, don't lie to me," He was staring straight at him.

Germany knew he couldn't lie. From what he had seen, Alfred had taken care of more than a lot of children. He had to know when something was up. 

He sighed, "Don't worry about it. You shouldn't even care, your just my boss for right now. Besides, you're suppose to hate me," He looked down, "Just like everyone else."

America sighed, that's how he really felt. Yes, a lot of people weren't exactly happy with Germany at the moment. But he wasn't a monster, "Germany...."

Said nation shook his head, "I..... I'm so sorry for the war," Germany leaned forward on the railing and put his head in his hands, "I'm so so sorry." His voice cracked. 

Alfred put his hand on Germany's back but said nothing.

Because sometimes silence was golden. 

"The war took away so many of my people. It took away the lives of so many innocent people. Hurt my friends. Hurt innocent countries. Took away my brother," He tried not to cry.

But it was hard when all you wanted to do was let it out.

"I.... Maybe I could have... stopped this," He said to himself, "Maybe if I was stronger..... it wouldn't have happened....maybe.." Germany tried not to but he fell to his knees.

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