Across the Altantic

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You don't always need a plan.
Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.


Germany had stayed slient for the rest of the trip. He had kept thinking about what Alfred had said.

America knew that he was in deep thought and didn't try speaking to him. He knew Germany needed to just be in his own little world for now. But he wanted to make him more comfortable..... Hmm... Maybe they could talk more on the plane?

Germany didn't even try looking out the window. He didn't want to see what London looked like, it had been awhile since the bombings but he still didn't want to see it.

Damn, he had really messed up. Pulling the world into two wars? Nobody, was going to forgive for that..........

His family.

He was putting them through hell.

They didn't deserve this, he remembered how they were treated after the first war. His older brothers  had tried talking him down, but he was just so filled with vengeance after World War 1.

Prussia had tried to warn him. His brother kept telling that Hitler was brainwashing him.

But he didn't listen.

And now Prussia was dissolved and taking the fall for it.

And now Austria was being occupied by the Allies.

And now Hungary wasn't with them. It was because of him, Austria had to let her go.

Because of him..........

Austria and Prussia had both tried to get him to snap out of Hitler's influence...... They had tried.....

They failed.

And it was because of him, they had been dragged down with everything.

Because of him.....

Germany started to shake.

After everything they did. This is how he repayed them... Prussia had stood with him....... Austria....... Even Hungary, a mother figure to him......... They had all had stood with him on the enemy's side of the war and in the end they........

He had dragged them down.

Italy........ Japan...... They........ bombs.... he... he...

He dragged them down.

All of them!!! Every single one!!!!

He started to shake even more and put his head in his hands.


He lifted his hands up and stared at his hands.....

Red. That's all he saw....... Red. It was just  red.

There's blood on these hands.

The blood of the Jews...... The Poles...... the disabled........ The gays....... Men.... Women.... Children.......

Oh damn.

No, no, no.

He couldn't breath. His chest wouldn't stop pacing.

Oh fuck.... Switzerland and Liechtenstein......

He had dragged them down too.......

They weren't in the war..... But...... they were part of his family.

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