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All life is an experiment, the more experiments you make, the better.


Time had passed too quickly.

It was now fucking December. 

Germany nervously walked towards the building with North America. He was wearing a bright blue tuxedo. 

He started to shake as soon as he stepped in the building. No one was in the hallway, they had purposely come later, the meeting would start in 5 minutes.

Canada put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry," He shot Germany a smile.

Germany nodded and gave a shaky smile. 

They all walked to the door that would lead into the meeting room. North America stopped and looked at Germany. 

He took a deep breath and nodded at them. Here we go.

America opened the door and they all stepped in.

The room was dead silent.  

Countries who had been doing things earlier like paperwork or talking to another nation all stopped. They weren't staring at North America.

They were staring at Germany.

The fuck was he doing here?

Germany tensed under their stares and looked down.

"We get it guys," Canada said, trying to ease off the staring.

"So poppets," England said to his children, "What the bloody hell is he doing here?"

"Yes," Netherlands agreed, "What is he doing here?" 

"Okay guys look," America said, "Germany is trying to start out new. He's-"

"I'm so sorry," Germany spoke, he was still looking down. 

Some looked at him.

"I... I messed up so badly.... I pulled the world into a world war twice..... and I..." He looked up at everyone and wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath, "So many lives were lost because of me... SO many innocent people... and just because they were Jewish.... and not just Jewish people died too. I take fully responsibly for everything... I want to change... I'm scared. Scared that another war like that will happen in the next 20 or 30 years."

More countries looked at Germany, they were interested in what he had to say.

"I ha- have an idea," He said, "I think it will help prevent another war from breaking out."

"If it's anything like the League of Nations," England said, "It will most likely fail."

Many countries sighed and nodded at that.

Germany shook his head, "We learn from our mistakes.... I don't think this will fail."

"Then lets hear it," Belgium said. She would do anything in her power to prevent another world war.

Germany nodded. He opened his mouth to speak and when America looked at him and gave him a smile. "How about you speak on the podium?"

He looked at the rest of North America and some of South America, who were there, they all smiled and nodded. North America left him to go to their seats.

Okay, don't mess this up Germany. He took a deep breath and walked to the podium. As he stood there, he looked down on the countries who were at the table.

Maybe he could win back their respect.

"My idea is a group such as this one to prevent a war between the Soviet Union and Western Europe in a way."

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