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Communism growing in Europe was always a concern.

For everybody.

Well, not including Russia and his bosses but whatever.

He was so sick of that damn American his fucking democracy. Who the fuck needed that?!

If you went with demotractcy- democratic- what was it called? Oh right, democracy. If you went with that, who got the power? 

Not the leaders.

And honestly, that meant no power at all.

The government could decide shit, not the fucking citizens.

They wouldn't know what they want. 

And then they would blame the government for their problems.

Yeah, no thank you.

Screw democracy. 

Fucking America and Americans. Spreading that shit across the world.  Fuck them all.

If that bitch didn't stay in his lane, he was gonna blow him off the face of the fucking Earth.

Russia growled at the thought of America and picked up his phone (Not a cell guys). How dare America demand his soldiers get out of Iran!?! And the worst part is, they did.

But not because of that fucking Truman. No, the Soviet Union had reached and understanding with Iran.

Russia dialed England's number.


"Britain, may I ask something of you?"

"What is it Russia?"

"Keep your fucking son under control."

"..... Excuse me?"

"I know you have many sons but I think you know the one I'm talking about."

England was silent. (Wait for it)

"Have we reached an understanding, England? Things are getting pretty tense with me and America and if he doesn't step down, he will be blown off the face of the Earth but there's always a chance I can send him a warning and blow up one of his family members in North or South America."

On the other end, England cleared his throat.

"Listen here wanker, I will not tolerate you and your bullshit. You really aren't smart, are you? If you bomb America, he will take you down. Have you forgotten that the war ended because of him. And the same will happen if you bomb anyone in North or South America, the same will happen. They will all declare war on you without a doubt. They're very protective of each other. And now, I'm speaking to you as a father."

He took deep breath.

"Okay Bitch, you need to sod off. Lay a finger or a missile on any of my children in the West and Francis,  Antonio, and I will not hesitant to fucking go to war with your ass. You fucking call me and threaten my sons and daughters, what in the Queen's name is wrong with you?  And I know for a fact Portugal wouldn't appreciate you harming Brazil in any way. He would most likely be the first one to declare war. What the bloody fuck is wrong with you!?! We just got through with a damn war and you want to do this. Fucking- I should fucking come over there right now and throw some hot tea over you or beat the shit out of you. Whatever hurts more!!  Sod off prat.  And if you try shit, don't think the four of us won't come over that wall. We will find a way bitch. Fucking trying to harm our babies, you're messing with the wrong one Communist-"

Russia hung up, he wasn't expecting that from his ally. Or was it enemy now?  Either way, wasn't that guy suppose to be a gentleman?

The phone rang.

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