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This chap might be a little short.


Latvia shook, he had been trying to stay away from Hungary. But for some reason, he couldn't bring it in himself to pull away from his mother's-Hungary's- his mother's embrace.

It honestly felt like so long since he had felt so so safe.

And he was sobbing. He didn't know when he started but he just started sobbing. He was sorry, so so sorry.

It had been hard to ignore Hungary and it had always felt so wrong when he did. But what Russia said had just made sense to him. It had just sounded and felt right, he thought that compared to Liechtenstein and North Italy, all of what had been said by Russia was nothing but true.

"I'm..... I'm sorry," He whimpered. This whole time was so painful. "I-I-"

Hungary shushed him softly and gently wiped his tears. Latvia shamefully kept looking down and let Hungary take his hand and lead him to the bed.

The two sat and he hesitantly looked at her. Wondering if it was okay to lean on her, lay his head on her lap, to cuddle her with her.

She gently smiled at him, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close. He sniffled, still shaking. He just felt so guilty. The way Hungary had looked for the past weeks.

"I'm sorry," He sobbed once more.

"Shh," She gently looking her son in the eyes and gently rubbing his cheek. She kissed his forehead and just held him. "Jol vagy. Jol vagy," she whispered. (You're okay. You're okay) "Shh." She started to rock him back and forth..

Latvia whimpered, his head was using her chest as a pillow, "He was... he was... I thought he was right-"

Elizabeta shook her head and started to run her hands through his hair. "Soha. Annyira szeretlek." (Never. I love you so much.) She said softly, kissing his forehead again. "He's a liar. I promise you, I swear to you."

Lithuania and Estonia looked at each other with soft smiles on their faces and started to leave the room. This was an intimate moment.

As they walked out, Prussia rushed in.

Latvia nodded and closed his eyes. He just wanted t-

"You don't believe her," Prussia spoke, making the boy open his eyes once more and look at him. Hungary looked up at him too, and she had a certain look in her eye.

She knew Latvia didn't believe her either.

And of course it bothered her. It was liking saying her baby didn't trust her.

And that always hurt.

Latvia looked down in shame.

But it wasn't like they could blame the boy you know. If you went on believing something for so long, it was hard to stop believing that. And for much of his life he had gone on feeling in second place to someone, feeling like he came last, being wary of people and their promises. It was just built in him.

Prussia went to sit on the bed with the two.

Latvia didn't want to look at either of them. He started to pull away from Hungary and was now just sitting up and looking down, sniffling.

But that was for a moment.

Hungary quickly took him back in her arms and whispered in his ear just how much he meant to her and always would.

He felt an overwhelming feeling of despair, Latvia felt like he was hurting Hungary and hated it so much. She deserved better than that, he didn't deserve her. Or Prussia, or anybody-

Prussia gave him a look, "I know that you might not believe us for awhile. You take time in trusting... A lot of us do."

Latvia sniffled but kept listening.

"But just know that what that bastard said to you was a lie, a complete and utter lie. Based on the past few weeks, I can tell that it will take some time for you to get use to the thought of us not going anywhere. So I promise that no matter where your thoughts take you, we will always prove them wrong."

He looked genuine.. So so genuine.

"We'll be here for you. No matter what, Kleiner." (Little one) He simply smiled.

Latvia blinked and before he could respond, Hungary started to speak.

"Russia was right in saying we do care for Italy and Liechtenstein but we also care for you. No one more, no one less."

Maybe in the beginning of this whole thing, maybe they had come on too strong and maybe that had been a bit to much for Latvia. So now they would take it slower, just a bit, they would correct his wrong thoughts, and slowly gain his trust more and more. And make all negative thoughts and doubts disappear.

Latvia thought about it as Prussia gently put a hand on his shoulder.

He didn't want to let this good good thing go.

He liked the way being with Hungary and Prussia made him feel. He really did acknowledge them as his parents.... but part of him was still afriad.

Afraid of losing them. Disappointing them. He wasn't all that great you know.

The boy nodded though. He wanted them to stay with him.

He love- was very close to them.

Latvia nodded and put his head back on Hungary's chest and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry," He said once more.

They nodded. "We know." Hungary smiled.

"You won't leave me?"

Prussia gave him a reassuring smile, "Nein."

Latvia nodded again and finally started to relax in Hungary's arms.

Said nation looked down at her son and smiled before looking back up at Prussia.

She got her baby back.

He gave her a gentle look and put an arm around her and ruffled Latvia's hair.

It was pretty quiet.

And you know, the atmosphere was feeling pretty nice.

Prussia realized something. The way they were... It was like they were a little family...... They were.

This was nice.


This was longer than expected.

So we're almost at chapter 50!!

And next chapter will be a major time skip to 1984.

Also 'Never Should Have Let You Go' will be updated after this book is finished for those wondering


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