Another One

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Hungary sighed as she walked down the hallway and looked up through a window at the night sky.

Liechtenstein's birthday had been 2 weeks ago. She had missed it....

Her heart ached, she had missed it.... God, she missed that girl so much. She was like a younger sister, heck, a daughter to her.

And ever since the war ended, she had missed so many birthdays. Decades of birthdays..... Missed.

She sighed and put her face in her hands. This was so much. When would this all end?

She missed her family. She missed her freedom.

Please. Let this be over soon..

She let out a shaky breath and started to walk again. Hungary started to try and think of positive things. Of memories.

She remembered when Austria would host grand balls and she would dress up Italy and Liechtenstein. They were so cute.

She smiled and wiped a tear.

And there had been times, she would let Liechtenstein sleep in bed with her during thunderstorms. Sometimes Austria would help her sing the girl to sleep.


Close to the start of the empire, she remembered being told by her boss that should would be marrying him. At first, she thought of him as nothing but Prussia's little brother. 

But then, that changed.

It blossomed into deep friendship... and she did have to admit.. there was a time she had feelings for him.... but had never come forward with it..... 

Oh well...... that was a story for another time.

She remembered the first time had walked into Prussia's house and met his siblings... Liechtenstein had looked up at her with beautiful wide eyes and waved at her.

She had bonded with the girl instantly.

Hungary stopped when she heard crying.

"Liechtenstein?" She immediately asked. The girl really wasn't here but  she had been thinking about her baby and the crying had just made her thoughts go straight to her.

"Liechtenstein?" The crying voice asked, it sounded like they were confused, "She wouldn't be here."

Hungary walked around the corner and became even more concerned as she saw Latvia sitting on the floor sniffling with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Latvia?" She asked softly, kneeling down, "What's wrong?" 

Latvia looked away and quickly wiped away the tears., he cleared his throat. "Nothing." He shakily said. The boy was about to get up to start walking down the hallway but was stopped.

Hungary had gently grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "What's wrong?" She asked, quickly letting go as she notice Latvia start to shake.

She sat next to the boy.

Latvia kept silent as she did so. But then.. Hungary started running her hands through his hair..... and it felt soothing.

And he let it happen.

And he put his head on her shoulder.

Hungary really hadn't realized what she was doing until she was doing it. Liechtenstein was 15, Latvia was 15. They were both children. And she.... she.... she was a mother. Yeah....Liechtenstein and Italy were her children... 

And to her, she had seen Latvia, a child, crying. And she couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

She wouldn't.

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