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It was easy to say, something was really wrong. 

Hungary was out of it, she wasn't acting like herself. It had been two weeks.

She was different..... sadder and confused.

Prussia didn't know what had happened, he had went to talk to Latvia but the boy didn't want to talk to him and just kept looking down. In the end, he rushed out saying he had work to get done.

Prussia was of course, taken back, Latvia didn't act like this. What was going on? Had he and Hungary done something to offend him?

No, there was no way they would do something like that. At least not intentionally. 

Well, Hungary was sure convinced she had done something wrong.

What else would of made her child so scared of her?

Something was wrong here, really wrong. And Prussia was going to find out what. Because honestly, Latvia was like a son to him. The younger nation was really growing on him. 

And like Hell, he was going to let that slip away.

¨I'll ask him,¨ Lithuania spoke to the Prussian, causing him to snap out of his thoughts. 

Oh yeah, he forgot. Latvia's brothers had noticed the change in behavior with their brother which of course, concerned them. 

But Estonia and Lithuania couldn't really get him to spill when they asked. So with Prussia coming along and telling them how Hungary was feeling.

They kinda had a feeling that would open their brother up a bit.

Prussia nodded before finally realizing something, ¨What if Russia caused this? He's been seeming more cheerful these past two weeks.¨

Lithuania nodded, ¨And he has been jealous of you three- oh no,¨ He shook his head.

Prussia felt the same way. ¨Hungary told me that Latvia said he was sorry 'For her confusing him as her child'.¨

Lithuania shook his head and sighed, ¨That was certainly planted in his head.¨

Latvia had been so happy with Hungary, there was no way he would purposely mess that relationship up.

¨We need to remove that from his mind,¨ Gilbert spoke firmly. It was heartbreaking seeing Hungary like that.

And this only proved how painful love was.

Who said that only applied to romance?

Lithuania suddenly felt a certain feeling of protectiveness. This was a terrible terrible place so any sources of happiness, comfort and safety, were always welcomed and taken very kindly and gratefully.  

His brother had found his happiness, his source of comfort, and very much safety. And he was so much younger than him, his little brother deserved that. He needed that.

Lithuania didn't really have that, but that didn't mean he wouldn't make sure his baby brother couldn't get it.

¨I'll go talk to him,¨ He said again and started walking off determined.


Latvia sniffled to himself as he laid in his bed. 

He was so so tired, and felt so stupid.... so broken.

He wanted his mama- Hungary- no he was fine.

He was fine- he sniffled as more tears fell.

There was a knock at the door, ¨Latvia??¨ He heard Estonia's voice ask.

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