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"Where the hell is Koo Junhoe?"

While fixing his hair with gel, Jinhwan gets out of his room upon realizing he was not around. Bobby and Donghyuk were going back and forth from the bathroom, kitchen and the living room, but not the noisy kid.

"Is he still sleeping?" Donghyuk, who's ready for their schedule shortly, came to his oldest hyung.

"It's already 9. We have to be there before lunch." He eyed Bobby over Dong's shoulder. "Jiwon, wake Junhoe up."

"Do you know how he kicks me when I wake him up?"

"It's better if you get kicked. If Jinhwan hyung did, he'd be thrown across the room." He earned a head smack for his early morning diss. The younger just laughed.

"Just wake him up!"

Jiwon and Donghyuk laughed but obliged anyways. The latter led the way to the holy room of The Late. He twisted the door knob, but it was locked. Jiwon knocked frantically, because their failure to wake him up meant they'll get a beating from their 13cm oldest hyung.

"Junhoe, wake up!" He screamed. "Why did he lock the door? He doesn't usually lock it, though."

The two looked at each other with wide eyes. Donghyuk continuously knocked the door. They knew they are screwed because Junhoe is the strong sleeper type. He doesn't wake up unless dragged or slapped multiple times. "Ya, Koo Junhoe!"

The door opens as they wish; but they were startled with the person who opened it.

A yawning Park Chaeyoung, on Junhoe's oversized white shirt, and one of his favorite jogging pants.

She was rubbing her eyes, while her other hand held the door knob. She looked at Jiwon, then on Donghyuk.

"Good morning." She bowed, then walked past the two. The two boys was speechless and startled. Their eyes just followed her tracks to the main door, before she caught Jinhwan off guard who was about to approach the two. The door slammed shut after her exit, making them just look at each other, wondering what just happened.

"We just slept." Their eyes are now on Junhoe, who is already on the door frame. Like Chaeyoung, he rubbed his eyes and held the door. "If you are thinking we did something, we didn't." He bowed down. "I'll go wash up now. Sorry I'm late. I'll be ready in 5." Then he walked past the two to the bathroom before slamming the door behind him.


"This..." Jinhwan started while still staring into space. "I might not probably get used to this."


Three dorm units. Two groups. One building.

iKON and Blackpink are groups in the same company, but are all prohibited to interact or be together oncam and on visible offcam. Fans had found this outrageous, since YG thinks they can never even be friends.

Without the surveillance of their company and the public, the two found their same dorm building as the only place they can casually meet, hang out as friends, and maybe eventually develop feelings.

So when they say they are not close or even acquaintances, sike!



one shot collection

All rights reserved
(c) 2018

All events are fictional, except for some scenes that are inspired from true events.

warning: slow update
Requests are open

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