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Shivay pats her head and all of them left to their respective rooms. Before Anika's marriage all the three used to sleep in the same room. Swara and Ragini loved to sleep in Anika's lap and they used to fight for it finally end up in taking each side and she used to tell them a story or any of her experiences until they sleep. Then she used to place them on the pillows and slept hugging them. Today also they slept like that only. After many days they felt very contended and happy. 

Next morning at the breakfast table

Shivay: After breakfast, everyone pack your bags, we are leaving today.

Rudra: Can't we stay here some more days?

Shivay: No Rudra, I am having lot of pending works which need to be attended immediately. And ha Swara, you are not coming with us. Sanskar said he is having something important work with you. So, you can come with him later.

Swara looks at Sanskar who is having breakfast with full concentration, not even looking up: But jiju I don't want to stay.

Shivay: Well, you have no other option Swara. Solve all the issues between you before coming back. Girls and boys go and get ready. We will leave in an hour.

Everyone except Swasan leaves to their rooms. Swara folds her hands across her chest and turns her face making a pout showing that she is angry. Sanskar smiles looking at her, comes and back hugs her, placing his chin on her shoulder.

Sanskar whispering near her earlobe: Why Shona? Don't you want to spend some time with me?

Swara feeling his lips: Sanskaaar!! I don't trust you when we are alone. Please we will also leave with others na.

Sanskar turns her towards him: No Swara, we are not going from here until your punishment is complete.

Swara with pleading eyes: Sanskar, you will punish me.(With puppy eyes)

Sanskar trying not to melt: This time, I am not going to leave you so easily, so stop all your tricks. They are not going to work on me.

Swara goes from there to help others in packing. Finally all of them wave goodbye to Swasan and left to their respective mansions.

Swara: Now tell me what i should do.

Sanskar(placing his hands on her shoulders: Ofoo, so excited. Okay listen now, you have to do whatever I say for the next 24 hours.

Swara hesitantly: whatever means?

Sanskar leans towards her: It means if I say to kiss me, then you should do it without saying anything.

Swara gulps: But you...you are not going to say all that right? (She fakes a smile)

Sanskar: you never know. Right now, go and get me a coffee. I will be in my room.

Swara nods and goes into the kitchen. Taking the coffee, she went into Sanskar's room and gets shocked seeing its condition. 

Sanskar: I will be drinking it, meanwhile just clear this mess Swara.

Swara: But Sanskar, how come it is so dirty. You always keep your things clean and neat.

Sanskar taking the cup from her: Hmm ya but this time I want you to do it for me. Get going. 

(Author's note: Swara don't get angry on Sanskar because this punishment is suggested by NehaRai0. Sanskar is innocent)

Swara starts cleaning that room and arranging everything properly. But Sanskar kept on disturbing her or throwing the things here and there again and again for about an hour. Swara with a pout placed everything properly and is now standing in front of Sanskar who is watching TV happily lying on the bed.

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