Swara - please come back

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At around 4, all of them reached the farmhouse. As soon as they entered in, Gauri, bhavya, Ragini, Rudi and Laksh got busy in admiring the farmhouse looking every corner of it. Remaining went to their desired rooms to freshen up.

At 5 in the evening, they all sat in tha hall and are having tea with biscuits. Sanskar who was late found that there are no biscuits left for him and (to our luck) the last biscuit was in Swara's hand. As soon as she placed it in her mouth, Sanskar bend towards her. Shivay understanding what was coming, signals Rudi and Om to divert everyone.

Rudi: Hey guys, see there(pointing towards the lawn).

Everyone turns their attention to the entrance facing their backs towards Sanskar. Taking this as a chance, Sanskar bends towards Swara's lips. She not understanding anything is just staring Sanskar. He slowly moves forward keeping his hands on either side of her not allowing any chance to escape, takes the biscuit from her mouth placing a slight peck on her lips whispering a I love you. He withdraws leaving a shocked swara, went back and stood beside Shivay smiling widely.

Bhavya: Kya hai vaha? Hume toh kuch nahi dikra(What is there over there? We can't see anything)

Rudi not understanding what to say: Areey waha nahi yahan dekho. (Not there, see here). See my biceps. I feel if I drink more protein shake and do gym na I think i am going to get 8 pack soon. Then all the girls will be behind me. ofcourse abhi bhi kuch kam nahi, phir bhi. (Now also, they are not less but still)

Laksh hits on his head playfully. And the remaining roll their eyes giving oh god look. Seeing Swara's expressions,

Gauri: Di, are you okay? Why are you looking like that?

Swara just nods as nothing and stays silent.   

Shivay to divert the topic calls one of the servants working over there: Shyam Kaka, at around 7:30, see that the dinner is ready. Because of the travelling, everyone might be very tired.

Shyam Kaka: Ji beta.

Rooms shared

1. Shivay and Anika 

2. Sanskar and Laksh 

3. Omkara and Rudra 

4. Swara and Ragini (Now don't kill me for this please) 

5. Gauri and Bhavya 

As they were tired as Shivay said, everyone left to bed early. Next morning, Swara woke up first (as you all know Anika is not an early riser, so, there must be someone to take care of morning coffee). She prepares different types of coffee's according to their taste and was about to go but remembers Sanskar's words. Swara to herself "Sanskar said he would give Ragini a chance, now I should see that Ragu takes care of him more than me". Thinking this she goes and wakes up Ragini.

Swara: Ragu get up. I have some work with you.

Ragini: Dii, please. let me sleep. It's too early for mr to get up.

Swara pulls her comforter : Get up and wash your face. Then take this coffee to Sanskar. Come on move fast.

Making faces Ragini makes her way to the washroom. Swara takes two cups and went to Shivaay's room and knocks on the door.   

Shivay: Come in.

Swara: Sorry jiju for disturbing early in the morning. I got your black coffee.

Shivay(taking the cup from her): No no Swara, I have a habit of waking up early itself but your sister, see she is still sleeping. 

Annika is placing the pillow onto her ears because the talks of these two are disturbing her beautiful sleep. Looking at her both of them laugh. Swara finally wakes her up and gives her coffee.

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