chapter 11

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We sat in the back of the car quietly as the driver took us to the mall. This was my first time leaving his house, and I should be happy, but I was a bit down. I bet the photo that I had of the ultrasound would make me feel so much better. I started crying out of nowhere, and both their heads snapped towards me.

This is embarrassing. Stop crying.

"Rya, why are you crying? Is there something wrong?" Anya asked, and I nodded. "Would you like to talk about it?" She asked with concern in her voice, and I shook my head. Ace, do something," Anya whispered, then elbowed him in the side.

Ace placed my hand in his, then leaned towards my ear. "What's wrong?" He asked in a deep and calm voice while tracing circles on the back of my hand. His voice was so calm and relaxing, but I kept on crying, ignoring his questions.

Stupid hormones

Rya, please, I can't make you feel better if you don't tell me what's wrong," he said, but I ignored him. "Don't ignore me," he said through gritted teeth, and I cried even more.

"You are making it worse; you need anger management class. You stink," Anya said, and Ace took a deep breath and then exhaled.

"I'll get you a new phone. You can add your friend's number to it and ours, nothing else. Don't let her know anything about your whereabouts; I'll know if you do," he said, and I immediately stopped crying.

"Thank you," I happily said, then hugged him. When I realized what I was doing, I pulled away from him. That wasn't the reason why I was crying, though; something was bothering me, and I'm not sure what it was.

"Wow, your emotions changed so quickly," Ace said, and Anya giggled.

"It's her pregnancy hormones," Anya said, and Ace mouthed, 'Oh'.

"Boss, we are here," the driver said as he parked the car. Ace got out of the car and then opened the door for me. I thanked him, then got out.

"Here, hold my hand," Ace said, and I looked at him, then hesitantly placed my hand in his. I looked behind me, and I saw about five guards following behind. Well, that's not so bad.

"Why is the mall so empty?" I asked with my head tilted to the side.

"It's Ace; he owns it; he probably booked it for the day," Anya said, and my eyes widen. I looked over at him, and he was looking around suspiciously.

We spent the whole day shopping, going to clothing and jewelry stores. To be honest, I was not interested in this whole shopping thing, but because I had to get clothes, I just bought some comfortable clothes in different sizes, so when the baby grows, the clothes won't be tight. We went to stores like Versace, Dior, Chanel, Tommy Hilfiger, and more. Anya really loves shopping; she's dragging me everywhere.

"Oh, I know, let's go to the baby store," Anya said, and I smiled. I guess that was one thing that made me happy today.

"I'll go get something; I'll be back," Ace said, then walked off.

"How many months are you?" Anya asked as we walked into the baby store.

"One month," I told her, and she smiled.

"You have a lot more months to go," she said, and I nodded. "You don't talk much, do you?" She asked, and I was about to say something when she cut me off. "Don't worry, Rya, as soon as you get used to us, you'll feel much more comfortable," she said while looking at baby clothes.

"Aww, this is so cute," I said as I stared at the onesie that said Daddy's little girl, mama's whole world.

"These clothes are both cute and funny; I bet Ace would like this one." Anya said, then picked up the onesie that says, 'I was Daddy's fastest swimmer'. I scrunched my nose up, then giggled a little.

"Rya, why did you want to be a single mom?" Anya asked.

"I couldn't find the one," I said, and she mouthed 'oh.' "I also wanted this baby because I don't really have any family except for my best friend Haley; I was a little lonely, so this baby would've kept me company," I said as my face saddened.

"Oh, did they die?" She asked in concern, and I shook my head.

"No, they disowned me," I told her while staring down at the floor. "Because I just wasn't good enough," I added as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry to hear that; don't worry, you have three more additions to your family: Ace, me, and the baby," Anya said as she leaned forward to caress my cheek. "Ace can be an ass sometimes, but trust me, he cares about you. Even if he just met you"

He's probably doing all this just for the baby's sake.

"Okay. Can we go now?" I asked, and she nodded, then took my hands in hers.

"Rya here," Ace said as he handed me a small box. A smile immediately came to my face when I saw that he got me an iPhone 14 Pro Max, just like the one I had. Now I can talk to my best friend. "When we get home, I'll have my tech man look it over and disable a few features so you don't log back into your old account. We'll set up a new one for you," he said, and I sighed. Well, I'm still restricted, but at least I get to talk to my best friend.

"Thank you," I softly said, and he nodded.

"Here, carry these bags too," Anya said to Ace, and he raised an eyebrow as he turned to the guards, who had a lot of shopping bags in their hands.

"What did you girls buy?" He asked, and Anya chuckled, then handed my bags and hers to him. He rolled his eyes, then groaned.

"Rya, are you hungry?" Ace asked, and I looked at him and slowly nodded. "Okay, we'll go get some food to eat then," he said. We spent almost the whole day shopping, and I was really tired. I was also hungry, and my body was aching.

My feet hurt really bad; I can't walk anymore.

"Go put these bags in the car, then come get these ones that I have," Ace said to one of his men, and he nodded and left. A few seconds later, he came back to collect the others.

"I can see that Rya is tired, so we'll go back to the car. I'll get my guards to order food for you, and then we can leave." Ace said, and I shook my head:

"No, it's okay, we can go," I said, and he glared at me.

"Don't pressure yourself; you've been walking the whole day; I know your feet are hurting, and I'll carry you," he said, and my heart started beating faster. Did he hear my thoughts again?

"There is no point in resisting Rya; he'll just ignore you," Anya whispered in my ear. I watched as Ace walked over to me and placed his arms under my legs. He picked me up bridal style and then carried me back to the car.

After getting something to eat, we were on our way home. Anya and I were having a conversation, but Ace was sitting quietly while staring down at his phone. I wonder what he could possibly be staring at with amusement in his eyes. I leaned over to him in style, then took a peek. It was a picture, but I couldn't see it clearly. I leaned over a little more, and my eyes widened. "What are you looking for?" I asked him, and he quickly placed his phone beside him.

"Nothing!" he nervously chuckled, but I grabbed the phone from his grasp.

"That's my ultrasound; do you have it? I want to see it," I said as my body started to overwhelm with joy.

"Don't ever snatch my phone like that again," he said as his jaw clenched and unclenched. He grabbed the phone from my hand, and I pouted.

"I just wanted to see my baby; you said you didn't take anything from the car," I said as tears filled my eyes.

"You don't have to be so mean," Anya said, and Ace sighed.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, it-" he was about to say but stopped mid-sentence when he saw that I fainted. "Rya!" He called.

"See what you did; you're stressing her out, not cool Ace," Anya said, then huffed.

"Она, вероятно, упала в обморок от всех покупок, которые вы делали." Ace said it in his language.

[She probably fainted from all the shopping you did.]

"Как бы то ни было, я просто думаю, что вы должны быть добрее; держу пари, что вы вели себя так, потому что она поймала мафию, глядя на ребенка с восхищением в его глазах." Anya softly said

[Whatever, I just think you should be nicer; I bet you acted like that because she caught the mafia staring at a baby with admiration in his eyes.]


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