Chapter 10

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My eyes fluttered open, and I groaned out I looked around the room, and I couldn't even tell if it was day or still night because his room was so dark. I snuggled into his chest more. Wait, what? I looked to my left, and I saw that I was lying on his chest with one leg draped over his other. My eyes widen, and I quickly back away. I was sleeping on the couch, so how did I get here? Did I sleep walk? The bed was so big, so how exactly did I end up on his side? I looked to my right and saw a huge space to my left.

Why is his bed so big anyway if he's the only one sleeping on it?

I slowly got out of bed and walked over to his curtain. I opened them up, and light started shining through. Oh, it is morning," I said to myself. I looked through the window, and my heart dropped when I saw how high we are from the floor. There was a garden. I saw someone running around in it; she was a girl. She was wearing a short white sunflower dress, and her hair was dark midnight blue. She was really pretty and looked about my age. A small smile came to my face when I saw how happy she was. I can't even remember when I last had that happiness since I was constantly getting flashbacks from my past. A lot of men in suits with guns surrounded her, though, and it seems to me that she's really important.

 A lot of men in suits with guns surrounded her, though, and it seems to me that she's really important

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"Ugh," I heard Ace grumble, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned towards him, and his face was all scrunched up and his eyes squinted. "Why the fuck would you open the curtains? They are closed for a reason," he said as he sat up, then groaned.

"What reason is that? You are not a vampire" I said and he rolled his eyes then stood up. He approached me with an angry look on his face, and my heart started beating faster. He grabbed the curtains on both sides of me and cornered me between them. He angrily shut the curtains while staring me dead in the eyes. He made me jump.

Why is he so mean, acting like a little bitch, to be honest?

"Go freshen yourself; there is a brand new toothbrush on the counter. I'll go get you some clothes, then we'll go downstairs and eat something." Ace said, then left the room.

After freshening up, I waited for Nikolai to come back with clothes, and he did. This time he brought new clothes and underwear, which makes me wonder where he got them from. "I ordered my men last night to get you some clothes," he said, then scratched the back of his head while looking around. I nodded, then took it from his grasp. I went back into the bathroom and quickly put on my boyfriend jeans and white crop top. I don't really wear clothes like this; I like being casual and comfortable most of the time.

I'll just enjoy it while I can, seeing that I'm going to have a huge baby bump in front of me soon. I left the bathroom, and Ace walked up to me.

Let's go downstairs and eat something," Ace said, and I followed him. As soon as we got downstairs to the dining room, I saw the girl that was running in the garden; she was seated around the table. Ace placed his hand on the small of my back, then led me over to the table.

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