~chapter 9~

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"Hey I found something!" Alaric exclaimed holding up a rather large old looking book "what'd you find?" Bonnie asked "it's called a bestiary" me and Bon looked at him in curiosity. "A bestiary is actually pretty hard to find but it contains just about all supernatural creatures and everything you need to know about them like their history, packs, how to kill, anything really" he says. "Alright so is the berserker in it?" Stefan asked Ric search the pages "yup, right here" he points "it says they're referred to as Germanic warriors, humans turned into bear like creatures through rituals with animal pelts and bones."

"Also have super strength, durability, speed, and agility... They have a leader too it says here" Bonnie jumps in reading it. "What leader?" I asked "there's a Temple of Tezcatlipoca which means Jaguar, in New Mexico and they do a ritual turn these humans into an animal spirit which is from the skulls they place on their heads to get rid of the human senses to be replaced by the stronger animalistic side" she finishes. "So is there anyway to kill it and actually we don't even know what the hell this thing looks like" Bonnie points to the far left corner where there's a picture of the beast with a skull on its head, bones tied in like a vest, and very bulky looking.

"And the last thing it says is that they hide their tracks really well and the only thing you can trace them by is their scent which it says smells like... death and the worst part apparently there is no way to kill it" "well that's just freaking fantastic" I say sarcastically. Well, at least we know the scent "I'm gonna go call Tyler and see if he can use is wolfy instincts to help" They nod. I walk outside and start dialing Tyler's number "What Damon?" He says "well hello to you too Lockwood I need your help with something" "and what's that?" He asked cautiously. "We're dealing with some berserkers and the only way to track them is by their scent so I was wondering if you could get those wolf instincts into gear and help us take them down?" I asked nicely... For once.

"What the hell is a berserker?" He asked "I'll explain later so yes or no Ty?" I irritatedly say "I guess since you asked so nicely but you owe me" "yeah yeah whatever see you soon" "ok be their in a bit" I roll my eyes and hang up. I walk back inside to tell them Tyler is going to help. "I'm going to text Elena to fill her in" they nod as Ric gets all his weapons together.

Hey babe Tyler is going to help us track down the berserkers the only way to track them is by their scent fill you in more later love you ~D

Ok be careful I'll be home soon and I love you too (; ~E

Don't I always and see you later ~D

Yeah I know Mr. Arrogant lol ~E

I smile and tuck my phone in my pocket and go back to help pack up everything.

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