Expecto Patronum

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"Okay, class, Professor Moody is away preparing for the next round of the Triwizard tournament so I shall be taking this lesson," Lupin smiled. "Now, I need you to stand in a circle for me... Spread out a bit. That's it, perfect. Now, I'm sure you're all aware that today we will be performing a Patronus charm. Don't be disheartened if you cannot produce it, it takes a lot of power to be able too,"

Hermione and Draco looked at each other, smiling.

"Now, to produce a Patronus charm, you need to think of a memory. A very strong memory, let it fill up inside of you and then say the words 'Expecto Patronum' Now first practise the words without the wand,"

"Expecto Patronum,"

"Okay... now, can anyone tell me anything about the Patronus?"

Hermione's hand shot up.

"Miss Granger?"

"It's a defensive spell. At it's strongest it takes the form of an animal, a different animal for every different person. There was something I read but I don't know how accurate my memory is..."

"Go ahead, I'll tell you if it's right or not," he smiled.

"Well, I read that if you love a person enough your Patronus' match..."

"Correct Miss Granger, 20 points to Gryffindor... That is true, if you have a strong enough connection with a person, your Patronus will be identical to theirs. For example, my wife and I both have the same Patronus,"

"Could you show us how to actually do it, sir?" Draco asked.

"Of course Mr Malfoy... Expecto Patronum,"

A blinding light shone from his wand and formed a wolf. 

"Personally, I prefer not to allow my Patronus to take the form of an animal, but for educational purposes, I made the exception," he smiled, "Now, can anyone tell me what this charm can be used to defend yourself against and how?"

Again, Hermione's hand shot up.

"Miss Granger?"

"It can protect you against dementors, it feeds off of the spell rather than the person producing it,"

"Excellent Miss Granger, another 10 points to Gryffindor,"

The Gryffindors looked at her smiling, as did Draco.

"Now, Miss Granger, as you know so much about this spell, could you tell me, have you even attempted to produce it?"

"Yes, sir,"

"And were you successful?"

"Sort of... it wasn't very strong it was a small light but-"

"Brilliant! Could you try and produce it now?"

"Um sure..." she took in a deep breath and thought of a strong memory... her in France with her parents, "Expecto Patronum," a faint light.

"Excellent! Now, what was your memory?"

"When I was in France with my family,"

"Okay, try a stronger memory, the happiest you've ever felt,"

"Okay..." she thought of when she met Harry and Ron.

"Expecto Patronum," a stronger light but still not the strongest.

"Marvelous Miss Granger! Now, what was that memory?"

"Meeting Harry and Ron,"

"Okay, brilli-"

Expecto Patronum ~ Draco X HermioneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora