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Ariana's P.O.V.

The bed sheets move away as Xavier shifts in bed. I feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and a smile forms on my lips. I turn around to face the most handsome i-just-woke-up face.

I kiss him and nudge his nose with mine, "Happy Birthday, birthday boy."

He nuzzles his nose in my neck making me giggle, "Thanks, gorgeous. Where's my birthday gift?"

I roll my eyes at him, "It's been two years and still the first thing you ask me on your birthday is about your birthday gift."

He winks at me, the butterflies in my stomach still feels like the first time I saw him, the first time I touched him.

It will never get old.

Two years ago Xavier sent me a Dm and that single message changed my life. I found a boyfriend who loved me unconditionally, who didn't lose his mind when I threw tantrums and didn't leave me when I broke his helmet his dad bought him. I found a second family, Xavier's parents.

Every memory of the day I was kidnapped is etched into my brain perfectly. Before they kidnapped me, Baron gave me threats of killing Greg if he didn't return his money so I gave the money I had saved for a vacation to Hawaii. But that wasn't enough, he kidnapped me, blackmailed Greg who came here rushing with the little money he had. He even brought his gun with him, but Baron's men were quick enough to get rid of it.

I owe my life to Greg. The second Baron raised his gun at me, Greg jumped in front of where I was standing and took the bullet for me. I remember I had stopped breathing and Drake had to throw water on my face.

It was total chaos.

The cops were running around shouting words I couldn't catch. The sweat covered my entire body, my eyes were blurred by the tears.

The cops caught them. The ambulance came and took Greg. He was shot on his right shoulder.

Since then I had gotten closer to his parents. His mum, Colleen even apologized for her behavior when she first met me. We have had so many family dinners together that I have lost count of them. She already introduces me to her friends as her daughter in-law.

"Move a little I need to pee... like right now." I shove his butt away but he only raises it higher.


Jerk with a cute butt.

I walk in the bathroom and lock the door. Quickly I take out the pregnancy test stick that I hid last night under the sink. It has a positive sign on it. Thanks to my old neighbor and friend Zeenia for peeing and giving us this chance to prank Xavier. She's five months pregnant with her second child.

After that incident two years ago Xavier bought me a cute husky for me and said he was trying to make up for not being there when I needed him the most. We named him Storm because of how hyperactive she was. So last year Xavier pranked me and said to me that Storm was hit by a car and died. When I asked to see her he replied with tears in his eyes that he's not in a good condition and I won't be able to look at him.

He's such an drama queen.

I cried so much that day. Storm isn't just a dog. He's my baby that I love so much. I was emotionally wrecked when Xavier said all those horrible things. Later he brought Storm to my home because he felt bad. I didn't talk to him for four days.

Now it's payback time.

We have talked about having children before, but Xavier thinks we are too young to become parents. He wants to be financially stable to support his child and me. My heart beat fastened when he said he wants a family with me but he's waiting for the right time, which is when we have both completed our studies and have a job.

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