Chapter 10

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Picture of James above

Xavier's P.O.V

"One more ya moron."  James whines with his leg hanging loosely from the stool while his body shifted to his other side. I grab him by his arm and smack him on the head with hope that it might bring some sense to his nut of a brain. This was his 6th shot. Idiot was mourning his breakup of a relationship that never even started.

Today in school hall, he asked a girl, whose name has slipped out of my mind, for a date which she refused with a slap. I don't blame her though because let's just say that my friend here lacks some serious manners of asking a girl out on a date.

Ignoring his pout, I turn towards the bartender and wave my hand for my drink. He hands me the glass and lowers his head to my ear and whispers, "I see your friend is sad, sitting here alone. I could accompany him, my shift ends in fifteen minutes." I move back a little and stare at him in pure disbelief. The guy had good features, muscled body, with dusty brown hair, and yes the cute green eyes.

I feel bad for you girls.

I think my friend does need some company and especially someone to distract him. I give a thumbs up to Cole, whose name tag shined in the club lights. In return he winks at me which to be honest gave me a shiver.

Manoeuvring through the sweaty bodies I stand in a corner and gulp down my drink, thinking of the one girl who has occupied my mind for the past week. The time passed so quickly that I didn't even realize that a week has gone by since Ariana and I started talking.

We would come online and chat for hours. We had talked pretty much all week. She doesn't talk much about her family, and neither do I because she wouldn't be very impressed knowing. But she doesn't even post a lot on Instagram. I have asked her to post so that I could stare at her before going to sleep but she refused saying that I'm being a pervert, which she was right about. But the girl has made me grin like a Cheshire cat today because not only did she post a beautiful picture of herself, but put a caption saying 'someone special said so'. I'm praying to all the Gods up there, to be that special one to her.

To be honest, I feel a connection to her. I haven't met her in person, haven't even touched her, but my inner voice is whispering that she's not your normal school girl you encounter everyday. She's someone special. Someone who's loved and someone who loves back.

I have been trying to bring the topic of meeting somewhere but she declines all the time with reasons like she's busy or we will talk about it later. Maybe she isn't comfortable with the idea of meeting me. I understand that but what she doesn't understand is that I'm desperate here. I, Xavier Black, have never been so desperate in my life to meet a girl before. I thought I was when I was dating the ultimate bitch of all time, Lizy. Because lets just agree that she was one hot piece of ass with breast implants. 

Fake but still hot.

I shake my head to stop thinking about her and focus on the scene in front of my eyes. My dear friend is running towards me with his arms and shit that horrible expression. My God he looks like he just saw a ghost. He jumps on me so quickly that I stagger backwards and close my eyes tightly as I wait to feel the hard floor hit me but good lord the wall saved us. After gaining balance I push him off of me.

"What the hell J. You have gone crazy." my voice come out harshly.

He points at me with his little finger, eyes bloodshot red, "You are the worst best friend anyone could ever have."

"What did I do bro, I'm just standing here enjoying my drink. It's you who came running and jumped on me. I should be mad at you." I try to prove that I'm the innocent one here.

He grabs my shoulders and shakes me roughly, "I was nearly raped. That bartender pulled my pants down. Mine, Can you believe it?!" He laughs hysterically.

Well my friend here has lost his mind.

"Its me who pulls pants down and that guy, Gosh. Doesn't he know who I am. He had his tongue all over my face. I need to take a shower. Right now."

"OK let me pull your pants down."

"No. You dumbass I meant by going home right now and then take a shower."

"Correction, cold shower." I wink to tease to him.

He groans and rubs his hand on his tired eyes, "You should have saved me, At least don't act like a jerk."

ugh Sorry not sorry.

Glaring at me he takes my arms and guides me out of the club and hands me his car keys.

"You are driving, I feel like shit and when we get home you're making me a huge mug of coffee." He orders with anger dripping from his voice.

I put the keys into ignition, "Fine but who told you to recklessly drink tonight."

"Don't bring this topic up anymore and shut your mouth. I have a terrible headache."

I chuckle lightly and drive to his home to drop his tired ass off.


Back after a long time. Didn't have the motivation to write. I have been planning since the start of this month but as I said lack of motivation. I don't expect much readers  since I had stopped writing. But ill finish it anyway. And a huge shout out to my bff Molly @Word_Addict_5976  who does the editing for me. I love you with all my heart babe.  (I love you too, babes! ~Molly )

Instagram: violetredo_

Don't forget to drop your feed back in the comments.

Love you all.


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