Chapter 11

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Xaiver's P.O.V. 

As always I'm met with silence again, not a single sound can be heard. If anyone wanted to know what pin-drop silence means, you should visit my house. There is no 'at home' feeling when you walk through the front door. How could it be home with no people? How can it be home when no one wants to even see the other's face, even while living under the same roof? My life has been like this for a long time, and honestly I could care less about it. I have my own shit to worry about. Shrugging off my jacket and throwing it somewhere near the couch, I walk into my room to find all my clothes and belongings strewn across the bed and floor just the way I left it. I move all the clothes off my bed and onto the chair, I finally lay down.

Despite all the mess I have in my life, I can't forget about her. She has been on my mind since the day I sent the message. She seems mysterious. She doesn't talk about her family or anything that would give away more information about herself and identity. Maybe one day I'll be able to convince her to meet me in person.  

With a sigh I turn my phone off and slide it under my pillow, closing my eyes tiredly. School has always been boring to me, except for basket ball and this girl, but today I feel that tomorrow is going to be different. It be a typical day where I just do the normal drill of life. I can't wait to breathe in tomorrow's air. 


Ariana's P.O.V. 

Is it normal that I've been smiling all week? There hasn't been a moment that I've gotten angry or felt sad. All week I've been doing my school work, house chores, then even hung out with friends, and of course talked to Xaiver. I have to agree he's a charmer. He likes all my pictures and compliments them every time. I always have a smile spread across my face when I talk to him. I don't know why people at our school say he's a serious guy. Some say he has family issues but who knows, rumors in our school spread quicker than a forest fire. 

I'm currently waiting outside my house to come pick me up for school. The sound of the door opening distracts me from my thoughts and I turn to see Mum walking out. Her hair is styled in a bun and her shirt is slightly tucked in on the left side. 

"Be home early today, your dad and I planned a family picnic." She smiles at me warmly, "We need to spend more time together, everyone has been busy so lately." She tucks a stray hair behind her ear and I smile at her, nodding in agreement. 

She points behind me, "Jess is here." I look over my shoulder quickly then turn back to her, tucking my bag over my shoulder. 

I quickly hop into Jess' car, rolling down the window to shout back at her, "Bye Mum, I'll be home early. Love you!" Just as I finish saying this, the car is roaring to life and we're off at full speed. My mother's 'love you too' getting lost in the wind. 

I whip around in my seat to scold my best friend, "Jess, we are not going to be late! You don't need to rush and drive like a maniac." She grunts something in return that I don't catch. 

She breathes out heavily, "I just realized I have a quiz today, that I totally forgot about, so I have to be there at least twenty minutes early because I literally don't know anything about the topic."

"Well you could have just texted me instead and asked about it." She groans, a hand leaving the steering wheel and smacking against her forehead in a facepalm. 

"If I had remembered, why would I have needed to ask you, ya idiot?" 

Well she does have a point. 

I reach into my bag and pull out the notes I made yesterday, placing them on her legs. "Take these notes, maybe they'll help you." 

"Oh my god, thank you so freaking much!! I love you, you're literally best friend goals. I could kiss you right now, and probably cuddle too but I'm driving so I can't. But as soon as we go home, I promise we'll cuddle and -" 

Fine, god. You're welcome!" I roll my eyes but can't hide the smile on my face. She's my best friend goals and I love her to death. She has never judged me and has always been there when I needed her most. Soon we're turning into the school parking lot and parking. 

We get out of the car and quickly rush into the building. The hall isn't packed as usual, considering how early we are. I see Mark from my art class arranging his locker. He's a total neat freak, cleaning everything he can. Cleans his chair before sitting, the desk before and after working, he even carries a hankerchief in his pocket for these exact purposes. I shake my head at him and open my locker but Jess pulls on my arm then shoves her pen on the notes I handed her earlier. 

"What does this mean?" She sounds distressed, and I'm sure that if she doesn't understand what she's doing she will definitely start crying. She's the type of person who simply needs to get the meaning behind something then'll be able to write it in her own words. With a sigh, I explain to her the main topic. After twenty minutes, we're done. In the time that it took to finish, we somehow slid to the floor with our books. She's almost laying down and my right leg in folded beneath me, my left leg stretched out in the midst of everyone walking. 

The bell rings and we both gather our things, half of it falling back down onto the floor. Without even looking we shove everything into my locker, slamming the door and taking off running down the hall. 

"I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall," Her murmuring was nerve wracking. She's going to pass, I'm sure, but she just keeps thinking negatively. 

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I run right into someone, so hard that I drop everything I was holding. The first thing I see is a black t-shirt, which is so tight I'm sure if this person were to make one wrong move, it'd rip to shreds. 

"I'm so sorry, I should have seen you coming." I look up to see who the seductive voice belongs to, only to basically stop breathing when I do. 

He doesn't just have a seductive voice, oh no, he is beautiful - no scratch that - drop dead gorgeously handsome and breath taking. In short, he's Xaiver Black. I just bumped into Xaiver Black. The expression he is wearing is full of shock. I focus on his features, staring at how he gulps, how he raises his eyebrow. He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I blink, then blink again, my mind sputtering to a complete stop. 

"Shiiiit, dead." Jess is no help. I know we're dead, we totally lied and now the shit has officially hit the fan. 

"You said you didn't go to this school?" 

Well, shit. 


I'm back babies, hope you enjoyed the update. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Lots of love. Xxx

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