Chapter 19

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Ariana's P.O.V.

"Do we have enough eggs?"


"Do we have enough cream?"


"Do we have enough strawberries, flour, vanila-"

"Honey we have everything, now stop fretting and get to work," Mom looks at me frustrated. Obviously she will look frustrated because I have asked these questions like twenty times in the last two hours.

"Stop fretting and get to work." I whisper to myself and place all the ingredients on the kitchen counter so it would be easier for me to grab everything later.

Yesterday I promised Xavier I'd teach him how to bake. I don't know what came over my head that I suggested this idea since I'm the one whose freaking out, and he's not even here yet.

I had plan of making a chocolate cake but then Jess reminded me of Drake's birthday, which is tomorrow. She also suggested to go on a road trip, to which she wants me to ask Xavier to come with us. I wanted Drake to ask him since it's his birthday, but they both bailed on me and threatened me to ask him.

"It's not me who has a crush on him. We're doing it for you! Drake what about you, you don't have a crush on him right?" She had said jokingly.

"I'm straighter than your fake hair. No offense to gay people though," He had replied annoyingly.

And then they started bickering about each other.

The door bell rings and I straighten up quickly. I breath in and close my eyes, mentally chastising myself not to do anything stupid or make a fool of myself.

The door bell rings again but I stay still and don't move. Looking at mom, I give her a smile, pleading from my eyes to go and open the door.

"I'll go and open it. God you're hopeless." She walks by me, shaking her head and I quickly sprint to the small magnetic mirror attached to the refrigerator. I check my teeth to see if my lipstick is smudged on my them. It is. I grab the corner of my shirt and bend down to rub it.


Startled by Xavier's voice, I hit my head on the door of refrigerator.

"Shit, I'm sorry." Rubbing my forehead, I turn around to find Xavier standing so close to me. He smells so good that I don't feel anymore pain on the spot where I bumped.

I'm sick I swear.

"Its ok. How are you?"

He smiles and I giggle.

What is wrong with me?

"I'm all good. What about you?" He says looking at the spot where I hit.

"I just bumped my head." I say with a light shrug. He comes closer, his eyes hooded. He raises his hand, then puts the end of his sleeve on my forehead. I back away a litte but he grabs my arm to keep me in place.

"Don't move," He whispers, his breath tingling my skin. He brings his mouth to my forehead and blows on it for a few seconds.

And that's when I die.

I mean, kind of, because oh my god he just blew on my forehead. Why do I find this so hot?

He backs away a little and asks,"Better?" I nod. Before I can say anything else, he turns towards the counter and places his hands on it then looks over at me

"So, are you ready to teach me your masterchef skills? Oh and, you have lipstick on your teeth."
I laugh embarrassingly and rub my finger over them, "I'm no masterchef. I just love baking and its only thing I'm good at."

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