Chapter 2

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Ariana's P.O.V.

I enter my school hallway and as to my expectations it's jam packed with students. It's warm in there as compared to outside. Weather in Canada is pleasant at this time of the year. The hall is so packed I can smell people's sweat in the air.
Gosh, this is disgusting.

I quickly make my way to my locker bumping into few kids. I hear some of them curse but  ignore them. Finally, I reach my locker and place my things in it. Checking my schedule I curse my luck that my first class is Math. Ugh. I didnt like it but I had to study it with great concentration to get good grades.


"WHAT THE HELL!!" I jump a step back placing my hand on my beating heart. I take deep breaths to calm myself down.

I hear a roar of laughter from my side. Curious to find who it is I turn to see my best friend Jessica laughing like an idiot.

Scowling I punch her on the shoulder.
"What the hell was that for Jess?! I could have gotten a heart attack." I ask making my tone a bit serious.

"Woah! Calm down Ari babe. Its OK and I am sure you wouldn't get a heart attack because of a little Boooh." She says  in an amused tone.

"Well I will be very thankful to you if you don't do that Boohh thing of yours again."

"You're boring, you know that?"

"Yeah whatever. Let's go to class I don't wanna be late." I walk over to her, linking my arm with hers.

Jess is with me in more than half of my classes.

Let me tell you about my best friend. She is the TOTAL opposite of me in both looks and personality. She has blonde hair which reaches a little above her waist. She has light brown eyes. She is always full with verve and liveliness. She is socializing and a party person. She could ditch her homework to get drunk at a party. While me on the other hand am not socializing and stay in the small group of ours which consists  of me, Jess, Drake, and Chloe.

We sit in our usual seats at the back of the class. Attentively I take all notes on what Professor Johannes explains. I look at Jess who is busy doodling on her maths book. She hate maths with all her guts but never failed. I am the one who has been tutoring her since the start of High school. She always said that I explain the problems in an easier way.

First period passed slowly and now we are in Chemistry class.I sigh with relief when I hear the bell ring. Thank god Mrs. Quinn has shut her mouth, it really is very annoying. I'm happy at my attainment of making notes because I was half sleeping in the class.

Placing my lunch on the table where we all sit everyday, I notice that Chloe, Jess, and Drake are all focused on their phones. Their eyes burning holes on their mobile screens.

I clear my throat several times to get their attention but to no avail. I wait for five more minutes patiently but still they're  sitting like mannequins.

"Guys .. HELLOO!.."
I shout a little to get their attention. This time they all look up at me with wide opened eyes.

"Why are you shouting?" Drake asks raising his eyebrow.

"I have been sitting here for five minutes but you guys were so focused on your phones." 

"Awww sorry. Won't happen again.
How was your day Ari?" Chloe apologizes while putting her mobile back in her pocket.

"It was just normal. I felt like sleeping in chemistry class again." 

I notice Drake checking out some girls who are sitting opposite to us a few tables away. 

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