Chapter 23

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Ariana's P.O.V. 

"Meet my dad, Gregory Black." 

I gasp upon hearing the words leave his mouth. The man I see on the bench looks homeless, poor, and lost. The tension fills the car and I feel the weight of Xaiver's anger in the air. He clenches his jaw tight and looks away from his dad. The sound of the engine starting startles me and I stare at him with shock, "You can't leave your dad shivering in the cold like this!" 

"He has left me countless times. I don't give a shit about him." 

"You have got to be kidding me, Xaiver, he's your dad." I state, hoping he would understand the situation and not act like a five year old. 

He watches me with a scrutinizing gaze, but I don't hold back, allowing all of my emotions to show. 

"If you leave him like this then there will be no difference between you and him. Act more mature and help him!"

"HE FUCKING LEFT ME WHEN I NEEDED HIM MOST." He shouts, the spit hitting my face. 

Averting my gaze away from him, I sink back into my seat disturbed and shocked that he shouted at me. I don't like this side of Xaiver. He's so blinded by the hate towards his dad that he can't see him shivering in the cold. He has, very clearly, refused to help, but that doesn't mean that I can't. Even I'm not Greg's biggest fan, but I have a heart and I genuinely feel bad for him right now. 

"I don't care if you help him or not, but I can't just leave him like this." With the final word, I unbuckle my seat belt and step out of the car. The cold wind hits the uncovered parts of my body as I jog towards Greg. As I near him the first thing I notice is his pale skin and dry lips, and obviously the shivering. My heart breaks into pieces as I squat down and whisper softly, "Hey, Greg. Get up, let's get you home." 

I grab his rough hand, which he has tucked between his legs, and try to pull him up. He must have taken a drug because he doesn't stir at all. I try pulling him up again, but I'm not strong enough to push and drag him to the bus stop. 

There's no way I'm asking Xaiver for his help. The way he acted, the way he shouted, isn't praised by me at all. I take out my phone to call Drake so he can come help, but my phone is taken from my hand. 

"Hey, stop." The hand reaches in the back pocket of my jeans and slides my phone into the pocket. Xaiver doesn't look me in the eye while he does it. 

"Open the back door, I'll bring him to the car." 

"Excuse me?" I ask. Well it looks like he's changed his mind, but I haven't. I'm not taking his help after the way he spoke to me. 

"Look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. Baby, try to understand that this isn't easy for me." He mutters gravelly, still not meeting my eyes.

I step closer to him, my hand cupping his unshaven jaw. "I know, Xaiver, but that wasn't the right way to handle a situation like this. You're better than him." Finally his blue eyes settle on mine. 

He leans his face on my hand and closes his eyes, "I'm sorry." 

"I still don't want your help, but I don't have a choice." 

His lips place a feather like kiss on my palm. 

"I won't do it again, I promise. Even though you look so damn hot with that blazing anger in your eye, I don't want you to get mad at me." 

"You're a jerk, Xaiver." 

"Jerk reminds me that I-" 

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. We are here to help your dad and not about whatever you were about to say." I playfully smack his arm lightly. 

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