Chapter 21

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Ariana's P.O.V. 

"This question can also be solved with integration by parts. Any questions?" Professor Spelding asks and the entire class stays quiet. Why would they ask anything? Asking another question means spending another fifteen minutes after the class is finished.

I blow a breath out, extremely bored. I have always been a bright student and calculus is one of the subjects I love studying, but as of right now I can't wait to get out of here. Jess, who's beside me, is pretty much sleeping and I'm not surprised when I turn to see her head resting on her folded arms, mouth slightly open drooling.

I mischievously grin and take out of my phone to take her picture. This will definitely come in handy someday. I'm sure of it.
Why is it today that my legs haven't stopped bouncing all day? Why is it that I have been biting my nails? Why is it that I've visited the washrooms at least seven times already just to redo my hair and to reapply my mascara and lip gloss?

Because Xavier freaking asked to me to go to his house today so we can spend some time together.


My emotions need to stay in place.

I wasn't surprised when he said he's alone most of time. From encounters in the past, I have realized from our conversations that he doesn't mention his parents much and he definitely doesn't get along with them. So for him to be so disdained from them had to be one of the reasons that he spends most of his time alone or why they weren't home much.

Today when Mark and I pulled into school, I saw Xavier waiting outside. He looked so damn hot wearing his black jacket. I didn't miss the glares I received when Xavier wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed me, then landed a small peck on my forehead. And I might've heard some one growl too, but I didn't care it. The only thing I cared about was how my boyfriend held my hand while entering the school, making everyone glance at us. His friends whistled and the girls glared. I think I even heard one cuss too. 

Nothing matters as long as I have Xavier by my side, holding my hand and smiling every time he lays his eyes on me.

He went to his classes and basketball practice while I attended mine. It was harder than I expected to get through the time.

What has me so worried is that I'm not entirely ready to face either of his parents. The chances of running into his mother are rare since she works throughout the day, but for his dad I'm not quite sure about. I know for a fact that he really disdains his father. I don't know how they will react. What will they think of me?  When it comes to other people it doesn't matter, but it's his parents we are talking about. He may not get along with them, but their role in his life is significant whether he admits it or not.

The bell finally rings after what feels like an eternity and I gather my things, shaking Jess's chair with my foot. She groans and wipes the drool from her chin.

"Good morning, Sunshine, it's time to get your lazy ass up."

"Is it finished? Have I really survived this class? Good Lord, I never realized the amount of patience I have." I chuckle at the idiotic expression she has plastered on her face.

"No, my dear friend, you only slept through the class. That's it. And don't tell me later that I didn't inform you of the quiz next week. You better be prepared, I'm not helping you again."

She mocks me and flips me off, "You're a terrible best friend."

"But you still love me!"

She mocks me again. Whenever she can't come up with a response the only thing she does is mock me and make faces at me.

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