Chapter 18

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Xavier's P.O.V. 

After that night when I was 11, for the first 2 years I wondered why my parents didn't sit in the same room. Why they didn't steal kisses when I was around, why we couldn't have dinner like a proper loving family, why my dad stopped playing with me, why my dad wouldn't come home for days, and why my mom started the night shift at her job. It was all a mystery to me. A question whose answer I couldn't get. A 'why' that kept chasing me for two years, like water following down a steep path. That is until I found my dad passed out on my front door. The day I waited for him, holding onto my new jacket mom bought for me. I imagined celebrating my 12th birthday with my parents, but I ended up cutting the cake alone with the tears that dwelt deep in my eyes.

I remember every minute of that day. Waiting on the table, shaking my leg excitingly when I heard a faint knock on the door. At first I thought that I was mistaken, but the sound of a heavy thud was not to be mistaken by any chance. Jumping to my feet, I ran towards the door, wasting not a single second in swinging it open. Totally preparing myself to be surprised by my dad with the presents he bought, but I was wrong. He wasn't holding any gift, he didn't even say hello. He was just lying passed out on the floor, with smudges all over his clothes. Clothes that I remember him wearing three days ago. His skin was pale like snow, the veins on his forehead the shade of blue, and some white foam sliding from his mouth. I was horrified to see him there looking so.... Dead.

My hands were shaking, I didn't even realize that I was screaming until my mum came rushing out of the kitchen and was pushing me aside. She knelt down beside him and kept calling his name, which was absolutely useless. He didn't stir. I remember her screaming to me to go in to get her cell phone.

It all happened in a blur. My mom frantically sobbing into the phone, the ambulance coming, them putting my dad on the stretcher.

Through all the chaos the words of the nurse struck to my ears, "Overdose on heroin."



I knew what that was. My Biology teacher told us that it was a drug.

Within minutes, everyone was gone. Even my mom, leaving me alone.

She left me in an eerie silence.

I wiped my tears as I walked back inside with heavy steps and sat on the table. I held the knife beside the plate, and with a tight grip, I cut my cake. A lonely tear fell right on the icing of my name. I softly whispered to myself, 

"Happy Birthday, Xavier."

I don't how long I sit in my bed thinking about my past. Nothing has changed much since then. Same dad. Same mom. They don't care about their only son. God knows what they care about.

I divert my attention to the beep from my phone, indicating the blue light of a text message.

The screen shows Ari's name and I waste no time in opening it.

Ari: Thank you once again. I really enjoyed it all. 

I smile.

Me: You're welcome. We should do this again soon. Btw why are you awake? It's almost 2 a.m.

Her reply comes a second later,

Ari: Couldn't sleep. I can ask you the same question? ;)

Me: haha Well I couldn't sleep either. May I know the reason of why you can't sleep?

Ari: I was doing an assignment at the time I usually sleep but now that time has passed I can't :/

Me: Wanna hear a joke?

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