Chapter 4

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Ariana's P.O.V.

I shut my locker and rest my forehead on it, my eyes closed from the lack of sleep. It's freaking Monday for which I carry so much hatred. I couldn't sleep properly last night, so I'm drowsing. We kept watching movies till three in the morning. The whole weekend we just ate, talked, watched movies and repeated all that again.

"Hey babe."

I remove my forehead from the locker and look at Jess who also looks like a mess. Her eyes are red from the lack of sleep.
"Hey what's up Jess?" I ask rubbing my eyes in hope to open them properly.

"You look like a zombie Ari." Jess says with a yawn.

I take out my mobile to have a look at myself. I open the front cam.
I look horrible and messy. In short I look yukhhh..
I have bags under my eyes, my hair is more of a birds nest. I had no time to put makeup on this morning.

Today my mother came to wake me up because my alarm wasn't able to wake me up from my deep sleep. I missed my bus so Mark dropped me off to school. He was wearing a beanie to hide his pink hair. He was still mad at us for the prank we pulled on him.

Last night, he came home a little drunk because of the party he went to at some guys house. He was told he got accepted into the football team and was the quarter back.
Thank god dad wasn't home, otherwise he would have gotten so mad if he saw Mark drunk. He really hated kids who came home drunk and totally wasted. He wasn't that strict, he just didn't want these things to happen in his house. My parents are really cool when it comes to Matt and I's friends.
Mark swore to take revenge on Chloe and Jess, I was so happy that Drake and I were on the safe side because Mark can be really cruel when he thinks of something for revenge.
I thought of every possibility of his revenge. He could mix color in their shampoos, He could burn their favorite 1D poster's. He could ... Well he could do anything.

I turn to Jess, she was applying foundation to hide her bags.

"Yeah I know." I mutter.

"Come with me, I need to place my things in my locker then we can head to our class." She says putting her foundation back in her bag.

I nod in agreement and link my arm with hers, resting my head on her shoulder and walking vaguely. Thank god it's English Literature class first, I can't bear math at this time.

When we reach near Jess's locker we see a group of people talking and whispering. I only catch words like 'disgusting', 'eww', 'terrible'. With the curiosity burning inside me i go near to them. When I move a little further, I sniff and cringe at the disgusting smell that hits my nostrils. Jess moves her arms and covers her mouth with her hands. She gives me a look of 'what the hell is this?' at which I just shrug. I cover my mouth with the cravat I was wearing around my neck.

A girl with blonde hair, who I think is in my history class, come towards us. I don't remember her name exactly but I think it's Alex. She looks at me and then at Jess.

"You better clean your locker Jess. It smells disgusting."
She wrinkles her nose and patt Jess on the shoulder. Jess gives me a questing look before pushing the people aside. She reaches for her locker and open it.

She gasps  so loud that I am sure the whole school heard her. Her jaw drops on the floor, her hands clenched into fists ready to punch anyone who comes in front of her. She stays there frozen. I move ahead to peek inside her locker, wanting to know what made my friend go in freezing mode.

I gulp at the disgusting sight. Her locker is filled with rotten eggs, her books all gooey. The mirror, which was on the back of the locker door, have egg shells all over it. It's full wrappers of snacks. I gasp when I see the most unexpected thing. I see something with grey fur.

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