The Walk

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You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you know something that you dread is coming...And you know it's coming soon.

Maybe you have to go to your grandma's house..Or a psycho killer that wants you dead is chasing you.


That's the only emotion that I feel as I hear the school bell ring signaling that it's time for us to go home.

I trudge slowly to my locker..In hopes that time for once will be in my favor and slow down. Once I reached my locker, I packed everything I needed to complete tonight's pile of homework..

I walk slowly to the school's front doors..I couldn't help but watch everyone and wonder what their lives are like..What's their back story? What have their teenage minds seen that would shape them to be the person they are today?

I reached the front doors and opened them..A cold gust of air slapped me in the face making me stumble back slightly.. I regained my composure and walked out to meet my friend Kalyn.

Kalyn is one of my closest friends. She was blessed with the body of a Goddess! Her skin is a natural, radiant tan color and her dark brown hair falls down to her shoulders. She also has these huge orbs of brown eyes that could bring any man to their knees.

She spotted me and rushed over to me..For someone so tiny, she has an unusual amount of energy!

"Hey Ava!" she greeted me in her cheeky smile. "Hey Kalyn." I answered just as cheeky.

We began our walk home...Our conversation ranged from boys to life and the afterlife to what the future holds for us...I love how I can be ME around Kalyn..She's the only person who truly understands me..

But alas, our journey came to an end once I reached my house...I gazed up at the Victorian styled house..It's something you would see out of a horror movie...And what goes on in it is just as terrifying.

Me and Kalyn said our goodbyes and I managed to drag my self up the stairs...I reach in my bag and with quivering hands,pulled out my keys. It took a few tries to grasp the keys and actually open the door...But once I did, I couldn't bear to see the sight in front of me....

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