Leaving Pt.3

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"Ava, are you willing to listen?"

Am I willing to listen? Do I have a choice? Am I prepared for what he will tell me?

No, I don't think I'll ever be prepared. But I must. I need to know what happened to my parents. They were terrible people, not even my true parents. But they surely didn't deserve this...No one deserves this. No one deserves to parish without a trace. Without those closest to them, not knowing what happened. Leaving their loved ones to complete the mystery, some even obsessing over the mystery. No, they didn't deserve that...I didn't deserve that...Kevin didn't deserve that.

"Yes," was all I said.

Jesse stared at me. Analyzing me. "Maybe you should sit."

I nodded slowly. My heart sinking, my mind racing. It was clouded with thoughts. Gruesome thoughts.

"What if Jesse killed them? Does that eliminate the chance of him being innocent for the murder of Tyler's aunt? What will I tell Kevin? How did he kill them? Why?"

I made my way to the couch and sat down at the opposite end. To my dismay and discomfort, Jesse sat next to me...He was too close.

"Ava", he snapped me out of my thoughts, "please come closer."

I turned to face him. My eyebrows furrowed. "Why?"

"I need to feel you...Please."

I shook my head slowly and looked down. "I don't think...", he interrupted me before I could continue.

"Please Ava. I need you...Please. For all I know, this could be the last time I'll ever be allowed to be so close."

His voice sounded desperate...Desperate for me. I caved in and climbed onto his lap. I layed my head on his chest and heard his heartbeat. It wasn't too fast, but it wasn't a normal pace either. I stared at his tattoos. Memorizing them. Memorizing each intricate line that stood out against his ivory skin. I wanted to trace them, but couldn't find the nerve to lift my finger. I noticed his slow, but deep breathing. It almost matched mine.

I closed my eyes, and realized, any day could be the last day. He's a convicted criminal. The police could be storming my steps any day, looking for him. The can take him away from me any day now. They'll just snatch him away before I can even get to know the complicated man that is Jesse Rutherford.

"Do you want me to start?", he whispered, as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me even closer.

"Yes", I croaked.

He paused for a minute, then began. "I should start with Tyler", he said slowly.

"Tyler and I have a very complicated and twisted past. We go back, way before the murder of his aunt. In fact, our fate was infinitely intertwined and sealed with the murder of his sister."

~~~~~~~ AND NOW, INTERNET FRIENDS IS WHEN THE STORY TRULY BEGINS. All previous chapters were a buildup for this. Prepare for a crazy, emotional, rollercoaster ;)

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