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That day I received from and gave Jesse oral, I had one of the best naps of my life. I didn't have to sleep with one eye opener, which was a major change. I knew Jesse would protect me. He's proven that time and time again. Sure maybe a little too over-protective with the whole I-killed-your-parents-because-they-hurt-you-thing, but everyone makes mistakes right?

"Dear God, what is happening to me?", I thought. Am I making excuses for his behavior, or do I truly believe that he wouldn't hurt me?

Who knows, and who cares! Right now I was in blissful heaven! I was laying on his chest, listening to his shallow breathing. Even that was perfect! It was quiet, peaceful. A welcoming change from the chaos that usually surrounds my life.

After listening to Jesse breathe, I became a little bored. I turned around, facing him. I studied his features
more carefully. I studied his almost sad, doe-like eyes, his laughing crinkles, and his soft pouty lips. They all seemed perfect. He looked like someone just ripped him right out of a GQ magazine I giggle at the idea of Jesse posing in a magazine such as GQ... It just didn't fit his style.

Eventually I got bored of that and decided to whip up some lunch since it was pretty late in the afternoon, and no one made breakfast yet. I walk past the shattered glass from last night, a painful reminder of Jesse's anger, although it seemed like eons ago.

I would have to clean that up before somebody gets hurt. I walk past his backpack full of clothes and essentials.

I look in the fridge only to find it empty once again. I slide down to the floor closing my eyes.

I'm slipping. Usually I'm on top of things like this. One of my only duties is to keep Kevin safe and nourished, and I can't even see to get that right. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Money. Where can I get money?"

I go over my options: a job? I can't do that because I still need to go to school. I can always drop out, it is my last year after all and it's not like my parents are here to stop me... Although my scholarly performance was the least of their concern.

If I drop out, my friends would probably come by demanding an explanation. But then again, I don't owe them one. I doubt they would understand anyways.

"What are you doing?", I hear a voice call out from the threshold.

I snap my eyes open. Jesse is leaning against the doorway. I glance down at him. His boxers hang off his hips in a natural, sexy way.

"Figuring how to feed us."

"You don't have to, we're leaving."

I raised an eyebrow at him. What does he mean leaving? Leaving to where?

"I have to head to the states, California to be more exact."

I stand up crossing my arms. "And why exactly do you need to go there? Last I checked, you should be running away from the crime scene, not towards it."

He sighs, "It wasn't a crime scene because I didn't do it. And I need to go there because it's the only way I can clear my name... And it's a long journey, but I don't want to do it alone. I know it's a lot to ask from you, but what can I say? I'm a selfish bastard", he finishes smiling sheepishly.

I couldn't help but be moved. My heart fluttered.

"He wants me to be there. ME!"

My conscience is jumping up and down with excitement.

But one thing stops that little celebration. "What about Kevin?"

"I want to go", I hear from the threshold. Jesse moves aside, unblocking Kevin from my view.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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