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"The next day, I got a call. It was from her aunt. She commited suicide."
Ava's P.O.V.

Suicide...Suicide. The word kept ringing in my head, but for some reason I could not process it.

I felt Jesse's eyes bore into mine, but I gave no reaction except for my ragged breathing.

"So, not only has Jesse killed yoyr parents...but he was the cause of another death", the annoying voice in the back of my head said.

"Ava, say something...", Jesse slightly nudged me. I snapped out of my trance and faced him.

"I..You...W-wh", I began but stopped. His red eyes widened in fear.

"Are you okay?", I asked finally. He seemed taken back.

"Me? Of course, princess...Are you okay though?"

"Yeah...I was just surprised that's all."

He reached up and stroked my cheek. "Nothing has changed between us right?"

I paused for a moment and thought about this. I came to the conclusion that nothing has changed between us. The thought of a girl taking her life saddened me of course, but I could not bare the thought of giving up Jesse. Even after my parents murder, I found myself still attracted to him, if not more...And that scared me.

I nodded slowly. "Yes..Nothing has changed."

He leaned forward and kisses my lips slowly. "That's my baby girl", he said our foreheads touching.

My cheeks flushed and became a bright pink color.

He reached his callused hands up and stroke my cheek softly. "You are so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?"

I could only mutter a modest "Thank you" without making a complete fool of myself.

"But we have to finish", he said gravely and suddenly.

I nodded and again laid my head on the crook of his neck.

"After Tyler's sister died, he lost it. The bright kid everyone knew became so violent, distant, and explosive. It was like he was self-destructing. I, myself was self -destructing. I didn't talk to anyone for weeks and barely stepped outside. My days and nights were accompanied by a bottle and me wallowing in my self-pity and guilt. I didn't even show up for her funeral for god sakes! I think that's when everything fell apart. The day after, Tyler showed up at my house. I was already piss drunk and it was barely midday...Anyways Tyler was upset about everything. From me being the cause of her death, to not even bothering to show up for her funeral. He started yelling and screaming and I told him to fuck off, but he wouldn't leave. I knew I had to get him out before I collapsed in front of him. I called him all types of names. I mocked his deceased sister. I even made a show of showing him the fucking sex tape! Tyler couldn't handle it and started breaking down in front of me. I can still hear his screams of anguish. I couldn't bare it any longer. I picked him up by his collar and threw him out the house...Literally. After an hour, he finally composed himself...But he did not leave. He just stood there and stared. Finally, right before he left, he sent me a warning. He said he vowed to may me pay. He would take every single damn thing I gave a fuck about away and ruin it...Just like I ruined his sister...Just like I ruined him", at this point Jesse's grip became like a vice and he started shaking.

I shifted slightly to get his attention, but he seemed off. "I don't want him to get to you. I don't want you to get hurt, Ava. God I'm so fucking in love with you and I won't mess it up. Not this time. I need you...", he continued. The tears began to spring freely from his eyes.

I took his face in my hands and forced him to look at me. I couldn't bare to see him this way. My heart ached at the sight.

"You..Love me?"

"Yes. I love you. I am so in love with you."

Before I could function his words, I leaned down swiftly and kissed him. Finally after a moment, I pulled back slightly. "I'm in love with you too."

Jesse began smiling from ear to ear. He pressed a swift kiss to my lips.

"I just have a few questions...Is that why you got framed? What about my parents...Did you really kill them...and how."

Jesse stiffened slightly but I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek to relax him

"Yes. That is why I got framed, I believe. I think this is Tyler's way of getting revenge. And I cannot even do anything about it...It's too late now. And...Yes I did kill them. I've been watching you for a few weeks before you ever saw me...I saw what they did to you and how they hurt you. I couldn't help it. They deserved it."

Jesse's eyes became significantly dark, but I chose to pay no mind to them.

"When did you realize you were in love with me? And where are their bodies?"

He sighed. "Baby you ask a lot of questions, but I figured I was in love with you that day you were walking with that friend of yours. I saw yiur parents hurting Kevin, and I saw you sacrifice yourself so quickly for him. I realized that you were my light. My guardian angel. My only hope at deliverance. I knew I needed to protect you. And, I'd prefer if we do not talk about where their remains are right now..."

"Okay...One last question. Uhmm...Why haven't you had sex with me yet?"

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