5 Years Later...

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"Mariska Onikan-Morinozuka..."  Mariska held her head high as she walked across the stage in order to get her Ouran University diploma for a major in Business Management and a minor in Culinary Arts.

Deep inside her, she felt the same pride in herself as she felt when Takashi walked across this stage a year ago in order to get his diploma for a major in Business Law.  Along with that pride was a small amount of sadness that her father, who finally succumbed to his cancer 3 years ago, wasn't there to see her now.  However, she found comfort knowing that Takashi was out there with Hunny and Morinozuka, watching her in his place.

Otori assisted her down the steps of the stage, warning her of any steps she was about to miss.  She blushed a little at the bulge that was now her stomach as she climbed down, wishing she could see below the 3 month stomach.  When she made it back to her seat, the last of the graduates received their diplomas, and the dean stood at the mike.

"Graduates, you may move your tasels."  Once they all had, he smiled.  "Congradulations class of 2012!"  Mariska, as well as many others, removed their caps and threw them in the air.

Mariska could hear the sounds of lively conversation outside as she went inside of her father's estate, run by Morinozuka until both Mariska and Takashi had graduated the University.  She thought back on everything as she went into the living room and to her father's shrine.  A sad smile played on her lips as she knelt before it, one hand on her stomach and the other holding her diploma.  As she placed the diploma next to the picture of her father, she felt a hand on her shoulder.  It was Takashi.

"This party is meant for you, Mariska..."  She smiled and held his hand.

"I know..."  She looked back at her father's photo.  "I just wish he could see us now."  Takashi knelt beside her and kissed her cheek.

"I know...  Remember what he said, though."  Mariska nodded.

"Always keep my head up."  She looked at him.  "I am."  Takashi smiled back and stood.

"Let's go back to the party before we're missed."  Mariska nodded as he extended his hand to her and took it.  Just before she left the room, she cast one last look at her father's shrine.

I'll continue to make you proud, Father.  With that, she went back outside.

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