Chapter 2

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Mariska didn't stop until she got home and had closed herself in her bedroom.  Her thoughts lingered on the tall, dark haired boy who claimed to be Takashi Morinozuka, her fiance.  He certainly fit the descriptions she had been given when her father told her the news, and he seemed to be everything she imagined him to be: tall, silent, and intimidating.  He reminded her of Ritsu Kasanoda, whom she had almost been engaged to until her father found out his father's line of work, but Takashi Morinozuka seemed a lot less intimidating than Ritsu Kasanoda.

She never wanted any of this to begin with, but, for once, she was pleased with her father's decision.  Whle all her other suitor options were more forceful and demanding when it came to getting to know her, Takashi Morinozuka seemed just as surprised with her as she was with him.  The more she thought about him, the more she cursed herself for her behavior.

He probably thinks I'm scared of him and want nothing to do with him.  Because of my behavior, he may not even want to see me again.  It would serve me right, too, running off the way I did.  If Father were to hear, he'd give me an earful about how my behavior was rude and unladylike...  She was so absorbed in her thoughts, she never noticed the knock on her door.  Soon enough, a maid had opened her door.

"My lady...?"  She turned as the maid spoke.  "Your father requests that you dress yourself for supper.  You have guests downstairs."  As she changed clothing, she wondered who her visitor might be.  Hurrying down the stairs, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Takashi and Morinozuka.  Her father smiled approvingly at her as he helped her down the rest of the stairs.

"It's so nice of you to bring your son over to meet my daughter, Morinozuka.  We were both honored when you arranged their engagement."  Morinozuka smiled kindly at Mariska as she bowed her head in respect.

"We were honored to have been able to make such an arrangement, Onikan.  You have such a lovely daughter."  He nudged his son forward.  "Go on, boy.  Greet your fiance."  Takashi smiled a little as he nodded at Mariska.

"I'm honored to meet you, Mariska Onikan."  She nodded back, hoping she didn't sound surprised in the slightest.

"And I am honored to meet you as well, Takashi Morinozuka."  As the party started for the dining room, where a lavishing dinner had been set out, both Onikan and Morinozuka spoke.

"I will say I was surprised that you chose my son for your daughter, Onikan.  With so many other eligible young men seeking her hand, I thought we would have been the last family you would pick."  Her father shook his head and laughed a little.

"You mean you thought I'd give my daughter to a drug lord or some snobby prince who's whisk her away and never hear from her again?  No, old friend, I find your family to be the best option for my Mariska."  While both men sat down, Takashi stopped beside Mariska and pulled out her seat.  She blushed a little as she sat down, watching his every move as he helped her scoot in and then seated himself.

He seems to have forgotten all about this afternoon's incident...

"Mariska..."  She turned and faced Morinozuka, who was smiling at her.

"I'm sorry, sir.  I was...  I..."  Once again, she was lost for words, and she wanted to curse herself for it.  However, he laughed.

"I see...  Already so curious about your fiance."  He shook his head as her father joined in and shared his laughter.  "I had asked what you thought of Ouran Academy..."  She smiled politely as she responded.

"It seems rather intimidating...  It's nothing at all like St. Lobelia."  Onikan cleared his throat and shook his head.

"I should hope so.  All those girls having relationships with one another...  It's not right for a proper young lady..."  Morinozuka nodded in agreement.

"I heard about your trouble at St. Lobelia, and I'll guarantee  that won't happen at Ouran Academy.  Takashi will see to that, won't you, son?"  He stared expectantly at his son as he waited for his answer.  Takashi shook his head.

"No, Father, I won't..."  Morinozuka smiled with pride as he turned to Onikan.

"See, what did I tell you?  She's in good hands."  All through dinner, both Morinozuka and Onikan bragged about the two of them while Mariska and Takashi ate in silence, only speaking when addressed by either man.  Both were lost in thought, thinking about each other.

She's so quiet.  I wonder if I scare her...

He hasn't said anything to me since we greeted each other at the door.  Oh, drat, I must have done something wrong...

Maybe if I struck a conversation, she might open up a little bit.  But, what should I say...?

Oh, I do wish he would say something.  This silence is driving me mad...

"Well, that was a lovely meal, Onikan, my friend.  Perhaps we should go off to your study and let the children have some time alone..."  Onikan agreed, and both men went up the stairs to Onikan's private study, leaving both Takashi and Mariska alone in the dining room.  After a brief silence, Mariska spoke.

"I'm sorry about this afternoon.  I just wasn't sure what to think at the time.  I didn't mean to intrude or embarrass you in front of your friends..."  Takashi frowned as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry you got caught up in all that.  My cousin, Mitsukuni, can be quiet a handful when he's excited."  She looked over at him and blushed a little.

"They all seem really nice..."  He smiled and nodded.

"Perhaps you'd like to officially meet all of them tomorrow after school...?"  She smiled a little as she nodded.

"That sounds like fun."  He smiled even more as he pulled out the silver engagement ring from his pocket.

"I'm glad you were the one who found this.  Any other girl in school would have strangled each other just for the mere hope of this being for her."  Mariska lowered her gaze a little.

"You're that popular, huh?"  He chuckled gently and took her hand, placing the ring on her left ring-finger.

"No, they would have thought it was Tamaki Senpai's."  They both laughed softly at the joke.

Engaged to Morinozuka  (an Ouran High School Host Club fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now