Serious Threats- Part 1

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"So, Father suggested that we all have dinner again, Mori."  Mori nodded and smiled a little.

"Yes, as did my father.  He told me it would be tomorrow night."  Mariska smiled back.

"You think it's because of more wedding planning ideas?"  He shrugged, and she blushed a little.  "It's all Father can talk about anymore...  I almost wish it was already said and done."  Mori placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I do, too."  Kyoya walked up and smiled at both of them.

"So, Mori, I have good news for you both.  I've officially removed you as a Host so that you can spend more time with Mariska."  Mariska frowned and looked at Mori, who was also frowning.  Hunny came running up, all teared up.

"Takashi!  You can't leave the Host Club!  I want you to stay!"  He caught Mori in a flying hug and started crying into his shirt.  "Please...  Please continue to be a Host!"  Hikaru and Karou both came over.

"Who's idea was that anyway...?  Mori goes perfect with Hunny as a Host..."  They all looked at Mariska, who flushed a little.

"I don't mind if Mori is a Host."  She looked at Mori.  "If you want to be a Host and continue to hang out with the guys still, I'm okay with it.  It wouldn't be fair otherwise..."  Takashi nodded and looked at the others.

"I want to stay as a Host.  I also want Mariska to get to see me as often as she wants when I'm a Host.  The guests already know about the engagement, and they know that I've also sworn to help Hunny in any way I can."  Mariska smiled as everyone smiled and hugged them both.  Hunny then took Mariska's hands in his and began jumping up and down.

"Thank you, Mariska...  Thank you, thank you, thank you!"  Before long,  Mariska was a little dizzy and pulled her hands free.

"Take it easy..."  She sat down on the nearest couch as Tamaki walked in.

"So, Mori senpai doesn't want to leave...?"  Everyone nodded, and Tamaki nodded.  "Very well then..."

The next night, while Morinozuka, Takashi, Onkian, and Mariska sat down to dinner, Morinozuka smiled at Mariska.

"So, Mariska, I heard you encouraged Takashi to continue at the Host Club."  Onikan looked in shock at his daughter.

"You what?"  Mariska gulped quietly and looked down at the table.

"I said that I didn't mind if he continued as a Host...  I believe it's not my place to tell him what he can and can't do.  If he wanted to continue as a Host, why should I stop him?  I believed it was unfair to force him to do something or be someone he doesn't want to be..."  Morinozuka nodded his head.

"I must say, Onikan, my friend, your daughter knows her place.  No woman should have too much control over her husband."  He looked at Mariska.  "If Takashi asked that you not to go to culinary school, would you listen to him?"  Mariska sat there, shocked by the question, but Onikan grew red in annoyance.

"Why would he ever ask that of her?  Are you implying that she, as a young woman, shouldn't continue to improve her career and lifestyle?"  Morinozuka laughed.

"Peace, my friend.  I'm just implying that maybe culinary isn't the most profitable for your company.  I know you didn't agree with her choice at first, until she finally convinced you it was what she wanted to do."  Onikan thought for a moment.

"Yes, I suppose you're right..."  He looked at Mariska.  "Are you happy, engaged to Takashi Morinozuka?"  Mariska dropped her jaw in shock and stared at her father.

Engaged to Morinozuka  (an Ouran High School Host Club fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt