Serious Threats- Part 9

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That night, when Hitarus returned home, Kitosha filled him in on how Mariska took the news and shook his head.

"I suppose I better go talk to her."  He slowly approached her room, thinking back on all those times Onikan said it was hard raising a child, even with a nanny, and how she had grown into a strong young woman.

Not many girls her age could have managed everything she had been put through as well as Mariska, at least in his eyes, and that made her the perfect match for Kitosha.  As he approached the door, he didn't hear anything, not even a sob, coming from her room.  He pulled the key to her room from his pocket and unlocked the door.  As he opened the door, he saw that she was laying on the bed, passed out from pure exhaustion and sorrow.  He walked over to the bed and shook her awake.

"Mariska..."  She rolled over and glared at him.

"He trusted you, and you killed him..."  Her words were cold and sharper than a knife, but they had no effect on him.  He sighed.

"I spoke with the lawyer today...  You'll be marrying Kitosha tomorrow, or they will send you to a home."  She shook her head.

"I'd rather go to a home and have to work my way up than marry your son."  Anger welled inside of Hitarus, and he struck her across the face.

"And insult your father's dying wish?!?  I think not..."  He stared at her with an icy stare.  "You will marry Kitosha tomorrow...  You will make it through the week...  When it comes time, you will accompany the two of us to the hospital when they pull the plug so you can say goodbye to your father...  After that, you will complete your schooling with a private tutor and being a good wife to Kitosha as well as Lady of this house...  And you will be bearing him children as well..."  He grabbed her by the arm.  "I won't have an ungrateful child throw away everything your father and I have worked for all these years, do you understand me?"  Through her tears, she nodded.  "Good..."  Dropping her arm, he walked over to the door.  "Now, get some sleep.  We have a big day tomorrow..."  With that, he closed the door, locking it behind him, and left her alone in the dark.

Mariska trembled as she lay in the dark, feeling more alone than ever.  She wished desperately to go back to 2 weeks ago when she only had to worry about her schooling and whether dinner with Takashi's familybwould be held at her place or theirs.  She wanted to be a child again, carefree and safe from the challenges of being a married woman.  Most of all, she wished desperately for her father...

"So, this is Onikan's office?"  Takashi nodded, and Kyoya adjusted his glasses as he looked around.  "Now, if I were Onikan, where would I hide my will?"  Takashi thought for a moment.

"Maybe he has a files drawer?  My father has one back home..."  Kyoya nodded.

"Alright, let's start there."

The next morning, Mariska woke up to a knock at her door.  Two female servants came in shortly after.

"Good morning, miss," one said with a painfully forced smile.  "We brought you your breakfast..."  As she set down the tray of food, the other spoke.

"Master Hitarus said that, once you have finished, we are to get you ready for today."  Mariska swallowed hard and nudged the tray away.

"I'm not hungry..."  The first one tilted her head at her.

"But you must.  Master would be most displeased if we brought back a full tray.  He says that a bride must eat a big breakfast on the day of her wedding..."  The other nodded in agreement.

"It was a last minute rush to start preparing, but the most important families from all over Japan said they'd come in honor of Onikan..."  As if picking the scab off a fresh wound, tears threatened to fall once more from Mariska's now gray eyes.  The servants took note of this and nudged the tray forward.

"Here...  We brought you some chamomile tea and honey.  It should ease your stomach so you can eat."  Mariska nodded and poured herself a cup.  As she did, the servants left to get everything they needed.

"It has to be here!"  Kyoya groaned as he set down yet another file on the ground in Onikan's home office.  "We're running out of time."  Takashi looked at the now empty file drawer and shook his head.

"There's nothing here..."  Looking at his watch, he saw it was 8:30 in the morning.  According to his father, Mariska would be married at noon.  "It's hopeless..."  He tucked his knees to his chest and rested his head.  Kyoya sat down in Onikan's chair.

Think, damn it, think.  There must be something...  He looked down at the desk.  Where did Onikan put it?  He leaned forward and squinted when a glare blazed right into his eyes.  He removed his glasses and cleaned them off on his shirt, hoping to remove the smudge that could be causing it, but, as he did, the glare hit him again.  He frowned and looked towards it, trying to locate the source.  He froze when he noticed a small metal latch at the bottom of the desk drawer.

"Takashi, look at this..."  Takashi looked up and frowned at him.

"What is it?"  Kyoya put his glases on as he studied the small latch.

"I believe there's a hidden conpartment in here..."  Takashi leaped to his feet and hurried to the desk while Kyoya attempted to open it.

It took a few tries, but, finally, Kyoya popped the secret compartment open.  Inside was an envelope.  It was plain and had no writing on it.  The boys looked at each other, and Kyoya reached for it.  Slowly and cautiously, he opened it and pulled out a stack of papers that was clipped together with a paper clip.  Takashi grew more nervous.

"Well, what is it?"  Kyoya gave a smile and turned it around so Takashi could see.

"It's the new signed and dated will and last testament of Ratisho Onikan..."

Engaged to Morinozuka  (an Ouran High School Host Club fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant