Chapter 3

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The next day, Mariska wandered through the halls, feeling both excited and nervous. Since Mori senpai was her fiance, Kyoya senpai had allowed her full access to the Host Club, she was free to come and go as she chose and was allowed to be with Mori free of charge. In fact, according to Kyoya, the only reason why Mori was even a part of the Host Club was to stay near Honey senpai. Either way, she didn't mind at all. In fact, she was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't watch where she was going and walked right into someone, stumbling back as she tried to regain her balance.

"I'm so sorry, I..." She looked up and found herself face to face with Ritsu Kasanoda. "Oh, hello, Ritsu." He looked about as shocked as she felt.

"Hello, Mariska..." The two of them stood silently for a minute, unsure of what to say. Neither had spoken to the other since Onikan decided against their engagement a month ago. Finally, Ritsu spoke. "Where are you off to?" Mariska swallowed hard and forced a smile.

"Music room 3..." He frowned a little and stood right in front of her.

"You're going to go see the Ouran Host Club...?" She nodded, feeling nervous. "Why?" Before she could respond, there was a shout from down the hall.

"Mari-chan!" Both of them turned and saw Honey and Mori senpai coming towards them. Mariska smiled in relief as they both approached them. "Aren't you coming?" Mori froze as he looked between Mariska and Ritsu. Honey didn't seem to notice as he bounced up to Mariska and took her by the hand. "Come on, Mari-chan! The others can't wait to meet you." Mariska, thankfully for the chance to be relieved of the increasingly tense situation, nodded and smiled down at Honey.

"You're right, Honey." With that, Honey started dragging her towards Mori down the hall. As she left, she turned back to Ritsu. "I'll see you around..." As she and Honey started towards Music room 3, Mori faced Ritsu, who watched him consciously. Neither spoke for a while, but, when they did, Ritsu didn't sound happy.

"She a friend, senpai?" Mori didn't answer, so he frowned. "She's your fiance, isn't she?" When he got no response, he continued. "So, you're the one who stole her from me..." Both boys stood there, glaring at each other.

Ritsu was hurt that Mariska had been engaged to Mori, whom he thought was his friend, and Mori was threatened by Ritsu's presence in Mariska's life. Mariska had told him what had happened between her and Ritsu, and he knew that things were best off if they stayed as far away from him as possible. Now, Ritsu was accusing him of stealing Mariska? Before long, Mori finally turned away and started back towards music room 3. Behind him, Ritsu called out.

"You won't get to keep her, you know! I'll find a way..." Ignoring him, Mori continued down the hall towards the Host Club.

When Mori arrived at the Host Club, there were no other clients, so everyone had gathered around Mariska, bombarding her with questions. However, she didn't seem to mind. Instead of being the nimble, quiet spoken girl she had been the day before, she was a lot more open. If anything, she reminded him of Haruhi, who was getting along with Mariska the most, with the exception of Honey senpai.

"So, Mariska, what do you do in your spare time?" Mariska turned to look at her new friend, who's secret she already knew.

"Oh, I love reading and listening to music, but I've always wanted to learn self-defense, so I'm always watching movies. Father says it's not proper for a young lady to fight, but he's always more than willing to let me watch movies, thinking I'll get over the whole fighting business." Kyoya smirked a little at this.

"Makes me wonder if he chose Morinozuka to help appease that interest as well." Mori smiled a little as he spoke.

"Mitsukuni and I would be more than happy to teach you a few tricks." Honey jumped up and down in glee.

"Oh, that would be fun! I'd have fun with that!" Then, he froze, looking concerned. "But, would one of us get hurt?" Mori shook his head.

"Not if we're careful and teach it to her the same way we were taught when we were little." Honey was bursting in happiness once more as he turned to Mariska.

"You hear that, Mari-chan? We'll teach you some self-defense, and no one will get hurt! I'd feel terrible if you got hurt..." Mariska laughed a little and thanked them both.

"I'd like that, but, should my father find out..." Mori shrugged.

"I won't say anything if you won't." Honey settled down a little.

"Neither will I!" Soon, everyone agreed that that would be their secret as well. Mariska smiled and blushed as she set down her tea cup and looked at the others around her.

They're all such great friends. Takashi's very lucky to have them. She frowned a little as Kyoya turned to the door.

"Ritsu Kasanoda... What brings you here?" They all turned and saw Ritsu at the door, watching them. He blushed and withdrew as he answered.

"I was just... I..." Kyoya noticed the jealous look he shot at Mori and Mariska, who were now sitting side by side, and nodded a little.

"Sorry, but Mariska Onikan won't be joining our host club. We decided when we first started this that only gentlemen would be members, since all our clients are women, however, we did make an exception in Haruhi's case since she was very easily mistaken for a boy. However, since Mariska is also engaged, she will not be seeing any of our clients." Ritsu drew back a little, noticing the stern look Mori shot him as well as the nervous look on Mariska's face. Immediately, he knew it wasn't the time or place, much less the proper thing to do about this situation. So, he drew back even more and nodded.

"Very well..." With that, he left. As soon as he was gone, Mariska lowered her gaze.

"I do wish he would move on..." Tamaki frowned as he turned to face her.

"What do you mean?" She never once looked up as she explained.

"About 3 months ago, Ritsu and I started seeing each other. He never said what his father's line of work was, and I never asked. Then, after a while, he started asking my father for permission to court me. Neither of us thought anything of it until his father showed up at the Onikan family's office, demanding that we be engaged. That's when we found out who he was, and my father refused the engagement..." Kyoya nodded.

"It would make sense that he would. Aren't you and whomever turns out to be your husband..." He glanced at Mori for a brief second. "...Supposed to inherit your father's company after he passes?" She nodded. "Imagine what a drug lord could do with such a big company and all its finances..." She nodded.

"Maybe you're right... However, I keep getting the feeling that Ritsu's feelings are real, even if they're built off his father's demands..."

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