St. Lobelia Comes To Visit

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"So, did you hear that the girls from the Zuka Club at St. Lobelia Academy  are doing another performance here at Ouran High?"  Both Haruhi and Mariska exchanged nervous glances as the girls flocked around them giggled.  "Can you imagine an all girls academy?  With no boys to entertain them..."  Another one shook her head.

"I couldn't bear a day without the Host Club...  They're all so sweet..."  Mariska looked over at Mori, who was still being stared at by star eyed girls who always whined how Mori was already engaged.  One of the girls leaned towards Mariska.

"So, tell us about Lobelia, Mariska...  Do they really have relations with each other?"  Mariska took a sip of her tea and set her cup down.

"What does it matter?  Do I look like an expert?"  One gave her a dirty look.

"Did you ever have relations at that school, too?  Is that why your father couldn't wait to arrange your betrothal and set you up with Morinozuka?"  Mariska cleared her throat and started to open her mouth, but another girl spoke up.

"Maybe that's why she's always sitting off away from him when he's busy hosting...  Maybe she prefers our company and is too embarrassed to admit it."  Another smirked at her.

"I wonder why Morinozuka's father ever agreed to the arrangement...  She's obviously not that rich."  Mariska colored in anger.

"Now wait just a minute..."  The girl narrowed her eyed and shook her head.

"I bet you that your father wanted you to marry rich so that he could make up for his export business going down the drain..."  Mariska was about to say something, but Kyoya came up to them, smiling as pleasantly as ever.

"Actually, ladies...  The Onikan export business has fully monopolized all trade throughout the world.  That means that all your families rely completely on the Onikan business for everything from our school books to the ingredients in our snacks to our teas that we serve for your pleasure..."  Mariska tried her best not to smile too much as Kyoya looked at her.  "In fact, if it weren't for the import/export services that the Onikan business provides, you all would be just as penniless as Haruhi."  Haruhi narrowed her eyes at Kyoya.

"You didn't have to go that far."  No one heard her as they all looked in shock at Mariska.

"I suppose he has a point...  I don't know what I'd do without my family's fortune."  The girl sitting across from Mariska stared into her tea cup.

"I still find it hard to believe someone as low as her ended up betrothed to Morinozuka..."  Around them, everyone went silent, and she looked up.  Mori stood behind her, staring her down intensely.

"Mariska isn't low.  She's a better person than one who sits there thinking she's better than everyone around her."  The girl stared in shock while Mariska stood up and brushed off her dress before walking away.  Behind her, Haruhi ran after her.

"Hey, wait up."  Mariska slowed a little before continuing.

"I hate those girls...  They're all so arrogant and mean..."  Haruhi shook her head.

"No, they're just jealous.  Mori senpai used to be pretty popular until you were betrothed to him."  Mariska shook her head as she continued down the steps.

"Easy for you to say.  What would they say if they knew you were a girl?"  Haruhi shrugged.

"Who cares what they think?  We both know that those girls will fall for anything..."  Mariska was about to say something when they both heard 3 familiar voices.

"Lobelia...  Lobelia...  Lobelia..."  Mariska's eyes widened.

"Oh no...  Not the Zuka club..."  As she finished her sentence, Benio Amakusa appeared behind her.

Engaged to Morinozuka  (an Ouran High School Host Club fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now