Chapter 6

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The next day, while on her way to school, Mariska found her mind wandering from place to place. She was worried about Mori and everything that was going on. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she never noticed the car that pulled up right next to her. Before she knew it, two guys jumped out and grabbed her.
"Scream, and it'll be the last thing you ever do..." Before she could even react, one of the men stuffed a cold, damp cloth in her face, and she coughed as the powerful fumes overwhelmed her. As she blacked out, she cast out one last thought.
I wonder what Father and Takashi will do...

Not long after the Host Club started their business, Takashi's phone rang. It was Onikan.
"I'm told Mariska wasn't at school today... Was she with you?" Mori frowned and shook his head.
"No, sir. I was in class all day." After a brief silence, Onikan spoke.
"Then where's my daughter?" Mori was so shocked, he simply stood there with his phone in hand. Kyoya took the chance to extract the phone from Mori's hand and talk to Onikan.
"Did Mariska leave the house for school this morning?" After a little bit, Kyoya nodded. "Very well, sir, I'll inform my family's private police force and have them start looking for her." As he hung up and handed the phone back to Mori, he sighed. "I was afraid this might happen." Everyone stared at him in shock as Mori staggered away from the table a little bit. Finally, Haruhi frowned as she looked at Mori.
"Maybe she got sick or something... Maybe we should look for her first." Mori turned to face his friends as he sank onto a couch nearby, his knees quaking. Honey went over and patted his cousin in the shoulder.
"Nobody would want to hurt Mariska, Takashi. And we'll find her before anyone does." Mori forced a smile for his cousin's sake and nodded.
"You're right, Mitsukini..." With that, he stood and headed out the door, dead set on finding Mariska and making sure she was safe.

When Mariska woke up, the first thing she did was check her surroundings. She didn't recognize where she was, but the room she was in reminded her of one of the guest room Ritsu's house had. As soon as she sat up, she heard a voice.
"Oh good, you're up..." She turned and saw one of the men who had kidnapped her on her way to school. He stood by the door, watching her closely. "I'll inform the lord. Stay here, and don't make a sound." With that, he left the room, leaving Mariska with her thoughts.
So, if this is the home of a lord, I'm either among members of a syndicate or a palace. Which one is worse...? Not long after, the door opened, and Kasanoda entered the room.
"Ah, Mariska. It's been a while, my dear. How have you been?" Maria's imagination began to run away with her as she fought for the right response.
What is Lord Kasanoda doing here? Is he responsible for the guys who kidnapped me? Finally, she found her voice.
"I'm well, but where am I? How did I get here? What happened?" Kasanoda chuckled as he sat down across from her.
"You're in one of my many homes throughout the region. And, don't worry, no one's going to hurt you." She frowned as she took in this information.
"Why am I here?" He smiled at her.
"I just thought you might want some time away from your father while I argued to have you engaged to Ritsu..." Her jaw dropped as she stared at him in shock.
I'm here because of Ritsu? But, what about Takashi? He must be worried sick if he knows what happened... No doubt Father knows and has called him about it...

The Host Club searched all day for any clue as to what had happened to Mariska. With every failed attempt, Mori seemed to be more and more worried. The only ones who seemed to notice was Haruhi and Hunny, both of whom tried their best to comfort him.
"Maybe she got caught in the rain this morning and got lost after she found shelter..." However, Hikaru and Karou were no help.
"May be she got kidnapped..." The very thought of Mariska being in trouble hurt Mori senpai almost as much as the idea of Hunny getting hurt, and, before long, he collapsed. Everyone raced over to help him up. "He's acting almost as clumsy as you boss..." Tamaki turned red in embarrassment.
"Oh, shut up!" Hunny helped up his friend.
"Hey, Takashi, are you okay?" Mori senpai simply grunted as he rose to his feet.
"Yeah." Hunny shook his head.
"Maybe you should sit and rest... You seem pretty worried about Mariska, and you're going to get hurt." Mori his head.
"I should have picked her up and walked with her this morning, like we both had planned, but I was running late and told her to not wait on me. It's my fault I wasn't there to help her, and, now, she could be in danger." Haruhi shook her head.
"I'm sure Mariska is going to be okay, Mori senpai. We'll find her." He smiled a little and patted her on the head.
"You're right... We have to."

"Hey, boss, what're we gonna do? The little punk isn't around..." Marissa froze and put her ear to the door. Who were these people, and who were they looking for? Suddenly, the door opened, and two guys around her age walked in. One looked shocked as they both stared at her while she stared back. Behind them came a shout.
"Hey, you two, stay right there!" One of them cursed.
"We've been discovered! What do we do?" The other smirked as he turned his attention back to Mariska.
"We take collateral." With that, he lashed out and grabbed Mariska's arm, pulling her to him. She screamed in pain as he started dragging her down the hall while the other called out to the men who were coming for them.
"Tell your young lord to give back the kid, and we'll let her go!" With that, they reached the car outside and drove off while they put a cover over Mariska's head.

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