Serious Threats- Part 4

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Mariska and Takashi had somehow convinced his father to let them go back, claiming that Mariska had left some items of personal value that she wished to retrieve, which wasn't fully a lie. After all, any evidence that could possibly save her father's life was of great value to her. As soon as they got to her house, she went to her room and, digging through her closet, found her little treasure chest that she kept when she was a child. From it, she pulled out a tiny silver key that hung from a black chain. Looking at it, she remembered what her father said years before.

"Keep it safe, Mariska... Don't ever let anything happen to it." She smiled and clasped it around her neck, dropping it under her blouse for safe keeping. She then looked at Takashi.

"We need to get to my father's office..." He nodded before something seemingly caught his attention. He motioned for her to be quiet as he listened for a moment, and Mariska finally noticed what had caught his attention. Downstairs, she could hear the voices of her father's servants.

"We've been searching for days for that damn safety deposit box Onikan kept the recordings in. If we don't find it soon, Hitarus will never forgive us." Mariska clapped her hand over her mouth, furious at what she was hearing.

No wonder how the shooter got to Father... His own servants were working for Hitarus. Her rage boiled inside her as she kept still, waiting to see what would happen. Takashi's face betrayed no emotion as he motioned for her to stay where she was as he stood up and went over to the door as quietly as possible while the conversation downstairs continued.

"If Onikan had simply promised his daughter to Hitarus's son, like he promised when she was little, we wouldn't have to betray them like this, but money is money... All we have to do is deliver the papers and Miss Onikan to Hitarus, and there's five times what we make a month delivered to our accounts." Mariska felt her breath hitch when she heard this. Her chest rebelled against her, heavier harder and harder the more she tried to stay quiet. Takashi noticed and motioned for her not to make a sound, but he was too late as she sat down on the bed in order to catch herself before she collapsed. The bed made a creaking sound, and the conversation downstairs paused. She tried to catch her breath as she listened for the servants.

"You think she's here?" Mariska looked at Takashi in sheer panic as they heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Miss Onikan, are you up here?" Takashi motioned for Mariska to back away as the doorknob jiggled. While they had been wise to lock the door, the door seemed incredibly flimsy. Thinking fast, Mariska motioned for Takashi to come to her, her hands reaching for the key that hung around her neck. Handing it to him, she felt her heart race.

"My father's briefcase... It's in the safe in his office." Takashi frowned in confusion at her as she whispered in his ear. "The code is on a piece of paper in the shoe of my porcline doll in his office. Take the deposit box to Kyoya..." He tried to hold her hand in his as she placed the key in it, but she pulled it from his reach before he could stop her. "And, whatever happens, stay quiet." With that, she pushed him into the closet and shut the door. As soon as it clicked shut, three of her father's servants broke down her bedroom door and entered the room. She picked up a glass toy teapot from her dresser, one that she had gotten when she was 5 and planned to keep as a keepsake, and hurled it at them. It shattered against the door, and one of them smiled at her as he approached her.

"Easy now, young lady... What would your father say if he saw the fit you're throwing?" She didn't respond, reaching for the safety deposit box her father gave her when she started school, which she had gotten out while digging in her closet, and the key from the tea tray that went with her smashed teapot. The men smirked at her as she clutched the items to her chest.

"Give us the safety deposit box..." Before she could run, one of them grabbed at her, tripping over one of the boxes on the floor.

He fell into the closet door with a loud thud, and she took this chance to run for the bathroom door. Before she could turn and close the door behind her, one of the men grabbed her around the waist and threw her back into the room. Her head hit the bedpost as the deposit box and key fell on the ground a few feet from her. She winced in pain as she placed a hand on the forming bump on her head while one of them grabbed the box and the key from her bedroom floor. He chuckled as the other two grabbed her by the arms and yanked her to her feet.

"Too easy," he grinned.

As he pocketed the key, he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and a small bottle of some kind of fluid. Mariska struggled against her captors, hoping that Takashi, who hadn't come out of hiding, would stay there until it was over, no matter what happened. She knew he was the only way anyone was going to get the proof they needed from her father's office to save him, but she was scared that he would get caught as well. The man doused the handkerchief in the fluid from the bottle and placed it to her face, covering her nose and mouth. She whimpered in fear as the fumes overpowered her, despite holding her breath, but, before she knew it, she dropped, out cold.

Takashi waited close to an hour after the house went silent before coming out of his hiding place, still slightly shocked by Mariska's behavior. He half expected her to freeze, the way she had when they were attacked in the hospital, but she had thought fast and left him to finish their task. Despite his stoic expression, he was worried about her, especially when he saw the glass on the ground. He knew they weren't going to hurt her, but he felt... He didn't even know how to explain the feeling he felt. He simply knew that he had to do what she requested before she was taken in order to save her. Looking down at the key she gave him, he left the room and went to do as she had instructed him to, quietly swearing revenge on her kidnappers if they hurt her.

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